Chapter 7: Friends?

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Classes resumed, and things returned to normal after the football match, or mostly normal, except for two things.

One surprise was Zelda becoming Mipha's friend. It had started one day after class when Mipha was returning to the girls' dorm. Zelda ran to catch up with her.

"Mipha, I wanted to speak with you," said Zelda, and they stopped walking. "I know I've treated you terribly because I was jealous of you. I wanted Link to be my boyfriend. But now that I know you and he are together, I accept that and have moved on with my feelings. I am terribly sorry for my behavior. I hope someday you can find it in your heart to forgive me, and we can be friends."

Mipha was a kind and forgiving person by nature and was inclined to trust people.

"I will try," said Mipha.

Afterwards, Zelda made a point of including Mipha in all she did, telling her friends that Mipha was her best friend now and basically winning over Mipha's trust. They were sometimes seen laughing and joking together, and even Link said he was surprised at how much Zelda had changed.

The other surprise was the flu epidemic. It started affecting the football team but quickly spread throughout the school. Almost everyone got sick, but Mipha was significantly affected. Being a Zora who relied on gills to breathe in the water, her lungs were not as well developed. So, when she caught the flu, it was severe, and she had to be admitted to the hospital.

It was afternoon as Mipha lay in the hospital bed, fast asleep, while Link sat by her side, holding her hand. Then Link turned as he heard a noise from the door. It was his friend Allison.

"How is she?"

"The same," said Link. "I'm really worried. But the doctor is coming soon with some special medicine."

"This flu going around is terrible," said Alson, shaking his head.

"Yes, it's bad, but especially for Zoras," said Link. "They have weaker lungs than us Hylians, and the flu hits them harder."

Just then, the doctor arrived carrying a bottle of medicine.

"Oh, Link, I'm glad you're here," said the doctor. "I managed to get this medicine that is specially formulated for Zoras. She needs to take two spoonfuls every six hours and get some rest. Can I count on you to give her the medicine when the nurse is busy? This flu epidemic has everyone overworked."

"Trust me, I will make sure she takes it," said Link.

The doctor smiled and patted Link on the back, then left.

"I need to go to class now," said Alson. "Let me know if I can do anything."

Link nodded as Alson left. And after another few minutes, Mipha coughed and then awoke. She saw Link sitting at her bedside holding her hand and smiled, then coughed again.

"Hi, sweetheart," said Mipha weakly. "Don't get too close. I don't want you to get sick too."

"Hi, sweetheart," said Link as he squeezed her hand. "Please save your breath and don't worry about me. But since you're awake, it's time for some medicine."

Link retrieved a spoon and fed Mipha two spoonfuls of medicine.

"How does it taste?" Link asked.

"Not bad. It has a fishy taste. But you probably wouldn't like it," said Mipha with a smile.

"Now the doctor said you should rest. I wish I could cure you as you did me. Or cure yourself."

"The magic doesn't work that way," said Mipha with a smile.

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