Chapter 20: The most terrible night Ball

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 It is about 6 pm. Mipha, Zelda, and Alicia were prepared. In that one hour, they asked people to send a dancing dress for each of them, and they changed. They looked amazing, they are the most beautiful girl at the party. 

Link, Alson, and Sidon came back from the game and were shocked after seeing them. They were asking themselves, " How can they be that beautiful!???" 

"Wow! How can you prepare in just one hour? And you three look amazing!" Alson said.

" Just like a goddess just came down from heaven. They are too pretty." Link said.

" I agree, Link," Sidon said.

" The ball is going to start soon. You ready, Link?" Mipha asked.

" Yes, I am." Link said.

" How about you, Alson?" 

" Me? I ready for a long time ago!"

" Sidon, and you?"

" No problem, I mean, I am."

The ball started. They danced and danced for a very long time. They enjoyed the time very much.

It is towards the ball's end and Link suddenly tapped Mipha's back. Mipha turned to him. Then, Link kneed down with one leg and took a box from his pocket. 

" Link, what are you doing?" Mipha was super surprised, she could guess what Link was going to do next.

" Mipha, I have known you for a long time. Since the first time I saw you, I know I love you. You are just like an angel to me. It is hard to get rid of you in my mind because I am thinking of you every moment. Every moment I breathe is because of you. We have been dating since year 1 and my love for you hasn't changed and will never change. So, will you marry me?" Link said and opened that box, it looked very expensive, and it was a big and beautiful diamond ring.

" Maybe I should say it earlier, Link. Firstly, please stand up and I agreed about that, I love you so much, Link, more than everyone can imagine, there is no way that I am going to say no. We have been broken friendship by Zelda the very first time we met, but now, I know that she is never going to do that again and I recognize how much I love you and I can't leave you, so..." Mipha haven't got time to finish it because suddenly someone shouted loudly, " A BOMB! A BOMB! RUN!"

No one realized a bomb was there in a corner till then. Everyone ran away and the ballroom was such a mess because people accidentally pushed off chairs and tables. Mipha, Zelda, and Alicia themselves were using the fastest speed to run away. Alson took care of them. Link and Sidon helped the others to run away. Suddenly, the bomb exploded. That was expected. However, what was not expected was that Sidon and Link had both been trapped in the fire and were in different corners. Mipha could use water to save them, however, the water saved in her body could only save one. Sidon tried to use water to help himself, but he hasn't drunk much water, so it didn't help. Mipha had no idea what to do. 

Link was her best friend, and he is his, future husband. She loves Link very much and every moment they spend together was the happiest moment in the entire world. She wants to save Link very much but also wants to save Sidon. Sidon is her younger brother that took care of her when she was sad and played with her when their father was busy. If Sidon is not here, she would not learn how to be good with people and she might be a girl who is always angry and not a kind person, at least won't be the same Mipha as now. Also, Sidon was born a few minutes before her mother died, so, Sidon represents her mother, just like when her mother was still there at the same time. She put extra love into Sidon so she knew that she can't leave him.

" Mipha! (Sister!), go save Sidon! (Link!)" Link and Sidon shouted at the same time. But this time, Alicia chose it for her, she pushed Mipha to Link's side. Mipha knew that she didn't have time to reach Sidon. Save one person is better to save none. Mipha controlled her tears not to drop off and saved Link. Link was worried about Sidon very much. She heard Mipha shout, " If I have my water bottle to get extra water from, I would have saved both! It is all my bad, Sidon, I am very sorry! Double sorry for haven't been a good sister to you! Haven't been kind and caring enough! I am very sorry!" 

"My dear sister Mipha, I appreciate all you've done for me. And you've done nothing wrong. I realize I've not been the brother you deserved, always causing you to worry. For instance, when my father scolded me for not doing my homework, or when I lost track of time playing football after school and arrived home late. You've always been there for me, even when I was close to giving up on myself. Your support has been enormous. I'm grateful for your continued caring for me," confessed Sidon. "And I want to thank you for saving Link. You made the right decision, sis. He is the one capable of caring for you throughout your life."

" SIDON!" Mipha cried, and she turned and shouted, " Anyone got water?" A very nice girl got the bottle of water, covered her mouth with her hand and gave Mipha the water, and said, " Don't worry, just drink it with the bottle, I don't mind. Please, you have to save that boy, he must be a very important person to you." Mipha thanked that girl and drank all of the water. Then, she ignored all the fire, and she used waterpower which helped her to get Sidon from the fire. Luckily, Sidon could still walk. Mipha gave Sidon a bit of water from her hand to drink, just a bit because she was afraid that she would use all the water and make both of them cannot go out. They were super lucky because the moment they both went out of the ballroom, was the moment that the water ran out. Alicia and Alson already got out of the room to take care of the others. Zelda, Link, Mipha, and Sidon ran out of the room once Sidon was saved.

" Sidon, dear!" Mipha hugged Sidon tightly. Sidon was shocked for a moment but soon he hugged her back and comforted her, " Don't worry, sis. I am alright now. I just, need some water to drink." " That's good! Thank God! I thought I was going to lose you!" Mipha smiled.

" Link, I agree to marry you. I love you. And, after the last year of school, we will invite everyone to our wedding. " Mipha looked at him and smiled.

" Really!? Hurray!" Link was as happy as a child got his favourite toy.

" So, I hope Father will agree you to engage Link, sis." Sidon smiled, " And I bet he does, because I have told him about Link, and he was kind of happy with him.

" I think I am less worried after hearing this, Sidon." Link said.

" And congrats, Mipha." Alicia and Zelda said together, " We never think that you will be the first one to marry. And you marry so early!" 

" Sidon will fit you, Zelda. And Alson is the one you love the most in the world, Alicia." Mipha smiled, " I am sure these two couples are going to marry, right, Link?" 

" Yes, I 100% agree!" Link smiled.

" By the way, who will even put a bomb on the school hall? It is unacceptable and nobody except for students and staff can get into the university. Every student and staff have a name tag on their cloth today."  Alson asked.

" I know right? We need to find out what happen and who was that evil to even do that." Sidon said, " He/ She nearly made me die!"

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