Chapter 23: The Unexpected Criminal

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" The criminal is you, Rena!" Urbosa said.

" Catch her up!" Revali said and Daruk rolled to her and got her. Rena tried to escape but she couldn't, Daruk was too strong. 

" Why it is me?" Rena shouted.

" No way! Rena? Is there anything that goes wrong? Rena is my friend; I don't think she will do that." Zelda mumbled.

" We have got enough provident to prove to you that you are the one who put a bomb inside the school hall," Revali said.

"Firstly, Rena's evidence is not right. The teacher said that the toilet in the school hall was closed, why would Rena still go in? According to the teachers, the other toilets are about 3-4 classrooms away. You are not going to hear someone say there was a bomb. And as someone saw that you are about the first one to run out of the school hall. At that time, you are never going to be inside the toilet. But you forgot that the toilets were closed. Secondly, you were not afraid of the bomb exploding at that time because you put it in so you knew it would explode. As an inspector like me, I have been a policeman for 4 years but when I hear a bomb, I will still feel a bit scared, no matter how brave a person is. Because people are scared of dying. But only you were the calmest person. And you didn't go and help. You were not scared but you didn't help? Why? Because you have made it. You've made this "accident". Thirdly, we have got the DNA results that the blood on the earrings near the bomb is yours. Your earrings fell near the bomb. When a normal person went down and tried to get the earrings on the floor, they would have seen the bomb. You knew that the earring was hurting your ears, so you took it off and put it in the pocket, but you accidentally dropped it. And Sarah got it and discovered the bomb. Was it like that, Miss Rena?" Urbosa stared at Rena.

Rena saw that everything was discovered. She could only nod to Urbosa.

" One thing we would like to confirm with you, Miss Rena. Why would you design this thing in the school hall to hurt your classmates? It should have been a happy Christmas in this school for all of the students!" Revali said, " And because of you, it has been ruined." 

Rena kept silent. She didn't say anything, but her face turned red facing everyone else.

" Revalo, wait a minute." Daruk then turned to Rena, "You can tell us when we arrive at the police station. I know you may not like to talk about it in front of everyone else."

" My name is Revali!" Revali said to himself but made a terrible stare at Daruk, it seemed like Revali was saying, " You are going to die after you arrive at the police station."

" Miss Rena. Is there anything that you would like to say before you go?" Urbosa asked.

" I... I am sorry. I have ruined it. I am very sorry." After Rena said this, she bit her lips, trying not to cry out in front of the others.

" Anything else?" Revali asked, " There will not be a chance to speak with them after this."

" Thank you to everyone who takes care of me, who has been through this university life with me," Rena said.

" Please take her to the car outside, Daruk," Urbosa said.

" Wait! I have a tiny request. May Link, Sidon, Mipha and me come with you. We are her best friends; we would like to talk with her personally and also make sure what caused her to do that." Zelda said.

Urbosa looked at Rena, " Only if she said that it is okay." Rena nodded.

" Be safe, Mipha!" Alicia holds Mipha's hands.

" It will be fine, Alicia. I will meet you tomorrow. I will call you after I come out from the police station." Mipha said, " I bet Rena won't do anything because she will be kept in eyes of Urbosa, Daruk, and Revali."

Then, Mipha, Zelda, Link, and Sidon went in a car with Rena behind and with three inspectors.

When they arrived at the police station's room. Urbosa asked, " So now, Miss Rena. Please tell me why you would choose to do that kind of crime, including how you got the bomb. Your friends can stay until you finish the reason."

Rena started to speak, " I was... was angry about Zelda... and Sidon, urm... together. I like Sidon and at the same time, Zelda was my best friend. I thought she had stolen Sidon away. She should have known that the person I like is Sidon! I told her for billion times, that she had stolen him away. So, I decided that I had to kill either Zelda or Sidon because I couldn't make them together. At first, I was planning to kill Zelda, but then I could comfort Sidon and get closer to him. But I was wrong. I didn't expect that Sidon would be trapped inside the fire and so did Link. And I even didn't expect that Mipha would use her waterpower to save both of them. And I also didn't expect that my earring would fall and be got by Sarah!!!! I didn't know how strong the police power was. And I don't think the police were going to find out that I was the criminal. Everything I did was wrong! I am sorry to everyone. I am the worst person in the entire world, no, the entire universe!" When Rena said that her tears fell quickly like a waterfall."

" Everything is too late, Rena." Zelda said, " My heart nearly broke when you agreed that you are the criminal. If you had told us earlier but not committed this crime, we could have found you a better person who loves you and cares about you. You don't have to nearly kill Sidon and Link, you won't get into jail, and you would have had the best Christmas." 

" I am very sorry. I will be in jail for a few years and will see you again. Bye, for now, Zelda. I am very sorry. Also, Mipha and Link, sorry for putting you in danger." Rena apologizes from her heart.

Rena's parents heard that and came, they were heartbroken when they arrived and saw Rena. Zelda couldn't control her tears and cried, and so did Mipha. Lastly, Rena will be in jail for 1 and a half years. Mipha, Link, Sidon, and Zelda went out of the police station.

" I couldn't think that this thing has happened to me now. Thinking of years ago, I was like that to Link and Mipha." Zelda said.

" We have to come out from sadness. We will see Rena 1 and a half years later. We are going to go and pick her up. And we will be friends again." Link said.

" We have to prepare for school again after the Christmas holiday. Let's enjoy the school life with Rena's heart as well. I think she is going to feel it as well." Mipha said and prayed for Rena.

" Rena. Hope she will be well in jail, don't be bullied by the others. Stay strong." Sidon said.

Four of the students walked back to the dorms together and felt like the sky was not blue anymore, it was as bad as a thunderstorm came. 

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