Chapter 1: Campus Activity

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"Hyrule University! Hyrule University" the crowd chanted as their soccer team maneuvered the ball downfield, passing it from one teammate to another. Suddenly Link broke free from a defender and received a perfect kick pass from a teammate. He ran full speed toward the goal and kicked. The goalkeeper on the opposing team lunged to block the ball, but he was too late.

"Goal! Goal! Hooray for Link!" Everyone shouted as Link raised his hand in triumph and ran to his teammates for congratulations and high-fives while all the Hyrule University students in attendance cheered. Link had scored the winning goal as time ran out.

"You're the hero again, the star of the team, just like you were last year!" shouted one of Link's teammates. "I think it's destiny."

"No, just a lot of practice," laughed Link. "Now, let's shower, and then I'd like to grab a bite to eat, then get some rest. I want to start the school year well."

Tomorrow was the first day of the new academic year, and Link was a sophomore now, just starting his second year at college.

"You did great, Link," said the coach as the team made their way to the locker room and showers. "Keep it up, and we might win the championship this year."

"I'd like that!" laughed Link. "And thanks, coach."

"Don't you have a date? Someone to celebrate with tonight?" asked one of Link's teammates, Alson, as they resumed their walk.

"No," said Link. "I don't really have a girlfriend. I guess I spent all my time practicing with the team and then trying to keep up with my studies, so my grades remain high enough to remain on the team. I wish I could learn things as easily as some of the other students."

"I know what you mean," said Alson as he shook his head. "You know that girl Mipha was in my math class last year. She's been getting straight A's in every subject and makes the Dean's honor list every term. I don't know how she does it. And she's so cute, too!"

Link was quiet as he thought about what Alson had said. He knew who Mipha was and had noticed her several times during Freshman year, like when she ate in the cafeteria with her friends. He found her incredibly attractive! His mind wandered back to one time he saw her.

It was lunchtime, and he chose a table in the cafeteria near where Mipha was eating with her friends. He kept sneaking glances at Mipha every so often as he ate. She had such beautiful golden eyes. They were hypnotic! He couldn't look away! And then she seemed to notice him looking at her because their eyes met once, and he took a deep breath as he knew he was blushing. Did she notice that? It seemed like she could see right through him when she looked his way, and he thought she smiled too. But then her friend said something to her, and she looked away. Anyway, there was no doubt she was cute and also smart. What more could you ask for?

"Something on your mind?" said Alson, interrupting Link's thoughts.

"Oh, no, nothing," said Link. "Just tired after all the running around."

After showering and getting dressed, Link returned to his room and began organizing his books for the first day of class tomorrow. As he lay down to sleep for the night, he hoped he would see Mipha again soon this year.

Meanwhile, Link hadn't seen her amidst the large crowd, but Mipha had attended the soccer game and was walking back to her dorm with a friend, Alicia.

"Fun game," said Alicia. "It's always nice when your team wins. I'm glad I talked you into attending the game with me. You can't study all the time, Mipha."

"Well, this game took place before the first day of class, so I really didn't have anything to study yet," laughed Mipha.

"That Link is really something though, isn't he?" said Alicia. "I watched him play last year, and I think he's even better this year. And he's really cute, too."

Mipha felt a pang of jealousy for a moment. Link was indeed cute and a star athlete at school. She was sure plenty of girls would be after him, thrilled to date him if they could. So, it was a little discouraging to her, because she thought she would enjoy spending time with Link. She remembered the time she caught Link staring at her in the cafeteria. She had smiled at him, thinking he would get the message and try to meet her. He had even blushed, which was so cute! But then he never tried to contact her, and she wondered if it was because he already had a girlfriend.

"Mipha? Hello?" said Alicia.

"Oh, sorry, I was lost in thought," said Mipha. "Do you happen to know who Link's girlfriend is?"

"Yes, the soccer ball," laughed Alicia. "Word is Link is too busy training with the team and studying to have a girlfriend. At least that was true Freshman year. Maybe things will be different this year now that Link is more familiar with the university."

"Yes, maybe, Ali," said Mipha thoughtfully.

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