Chapter 13: First Date

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It was after class, and Link was speaking with Alson.

"Don't put it off any longer, Alson," said Link. "You need to call Alicia today if you want to take her to the Matsuri."

"I'm just so nervous, Link!" said Alson. "What if she turns me down?"

"I don't think she will," said Link. "But what if someone else asks her out first? You will feel so sad letting the opportunity slip by."

"You're right," said Alson. "I will call her right now."

"She has one more class," said Link. "I know that because she shares that class with Mipha. So call her in one hour, okay?"

"I will," said Alson.

Alson waited until the next class was over, then dialed Alicia's number.


"Hi, Alicia, it's Alson."

"Oh, hi, Alson," said Alicia. "What's up?"

"Um, well, I was wondering if you would consider going with me to the Matsuri tomorrow night? I mean, I would understand if you can't go, but I thought...."

"I would be delighted to go!" said Alicia. "What time and where should we meet."

"Oh! That's great! I can meet you at your dorm at 6 o'clock. We can eat snacks at the festival."

"Perfect! See you then!" said Alicia as they ended the call.

Alson called Link at once.

"She said yes!" said Alson. "I'm so excited!"

Meanwhile, Alson called Mipha to tell her the news, and she was equally excited.

The next day at 6 o'clock, Alson met Alicia at her dorm, and they walked together to the Matsuri. Many other students were going, and quite a few were already there. You could hear the music and laughter from some distance away.

"We should probably eat first," said Alson. "Do you like Takoyaki octopus balls or Dango dumplings?"

"I love them both!" said Alicia. "Isn't it nice we have the same tastes in food?"

They made their way to the food court, then Alicia held seats while Alson picked up the food from one of the vendors.

"Mm, delicious!" said Alicia as she took a bite of Takoyaki. "This was such a good idea!"

"I'm glad you like it," said Alson after swallowing a bite of Dango.

After finishing their food, they decided to go on some of the rides. It was nice sitting next to each other and being close. Alson loved the scent of Alicia's perfume, and he kept stealing glances at her as they rode. She was so pretty! Alicia could tell Alson was looking at her, but she pretended not to notice. Alson was so cute when he was shy!

One of the rides spun around, and they got pressed together, giggling. It felt so good! Another was a gentler ride that lifted them high above the area with a great view.

"Look! We can see all the way to the college!" said Alson, pointing.

"And look! We can see the moon, too," said Alicia. "It feels like we are closer to it, doesn't it?"

"It does," said Alson as he looked at the almost full moon above cloudless skies.

After going on several rides, it was almost time for the fireworks.

"Let's get a good place to view," said Alson.

"Yes," said Alicia as they walked closer to where the fireworks would be shown.

It was quite crowded there, and Alson reached for Alicia's hand to keep from being separated from her amidst all the people. When they got closer to the site of the fireworks, Alicia spoke up.

"Oh, can you excuse me for a moment, Alson," said Alicia. "I need to use the restroom."

"Of course," said Alson. "I'll meet you back here."

Alicia left to use the restroom, and then Alson noticed a small kiosk that sold flowers. He rushed over to it.

"Can you quickly make a bouquet of red chrysanthemums, some white lilacs, white jasmine, and red roses?" Alson asked.

"That is quite an expensive bouquet," said the vendor as she began putting the bouquet together. "It must be for someone special."

"It is," said Alson. "But I haven't told her yet."

"You can let the flowers speak for you," said the vendor.

The vendor finished the bouquet, and Alson paid, then rushed back to where he was supposed to wait for Alicia. He hid the bouquet behind his back as he saw her returning.

"Sorry it took so long," said Alicia. "There always seems to be a long line at the women's restroom."

"Alicia, these are for you," said Alson presenting her with the bouquet.

"Oh! They're lovely. Alson! I love them!" said Alicia as she took and admired the bouquet. "Did you choose the flowers, or did you let the vendor pick?"

"I chose them," said Alson.

"Then, do you know what they mean?"

"Yes, I do," said Alson. "And I meant it."

Just then, there was a loud explosion and a burst of light from above. The fireworks had begun. Alson took Alicia's hand, and they stood together watching the fireworks as the crowd said "ooh" and "aah" after each burst.

Finally, when the fireworks ended, it was time to return to the dorms.

"Alicia, I would like you to be my girlfriend if you're willing," said Alson as they began leaving the area.

"I would be happy to," said Alicia. "If you will be my boyfriend."

"Huh? Doesn't it mean..,"

"I'm teasing you, silly," said Alicia. "But shouldn't you do something next?"

"Oh! Of course!" said Alson as he reached out, held Alicia close, and kissed her.

They kissed several more times, ignoring the looks and comments of those passing by. Finally, they broke their kisses to head back.

"I have never been happier!" said Alson. "I love you!"

"Me either," said Alicia. "I love you too. And now you have no excuse not to call me often."

"I promise!" said Alson as they held hands, and he walked her back to her dorm.

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