Chapter 5: Valentine's Day

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After the weekend was over and classes resumed, Link looked for an opportunity to speak with Mipha. But Mipha had decided to concentrate on her studies and avoid Link to keep from having her feelings hurt. She thought that maybe what Zelda had told her was true, and Link was just being friendly but had no particular feelings for her.

Link was also busy with sports practice and studying; he needed good grades to stay on the team. So, between both of them being busy before the February exams, Link had no chance to speak with Mipha since the dance.

It was the day before Valentine's Day when Link finished his last exam and was walking back to his room, happy to be finished with exams. Just then, he saw Mipha's friend Alicia walking alone, and he ran to catch up with her before she entered the girl's dorm.

"Alicia? Can I speak with you for a moment?" said Link as he caught his breath.

"Hi Link," said Alicia. "Of course."

"I know you're good friends with Mipha. Can you tell me what's wrong? I mean, it seems like she's avoiding me. I haven't been able to speak to her since the dance."

Alicia looked at Link for a moment, then spoke up.

"First, I need to know something, and tell me the truth," said Alicia.

"Yes, of course," said Link.

"Are you Zelda's boyfriend?"

"What?" exclaimed Link, startled. "No, of course not! I think Zelda's a mean person and too stuck up because her family has money. Whatever gave you that idea?"

Alicia explained what happened between Zelda and Mipha at the dance and that Mipha thought perhaps what Zelda told her was true.

"Oh, that's terrible," said Link, shaking his head. "And Zelda even slapped her? I told you she's a mean person. And a liar too. Zelda and I have never even dated once. So how could I be her boyfriend?"

"I believe you," said Alicia. "But you need to talk to Mipha."

"I want to. Very much," said Link. "Now that exams are over, I'd like to ask her out. And I'd like to do that on Valentines Day. Could you share her phone number with me?"

"I don't know, Link," said Alicia. "I'm not sure Mipha would want me to share her number."

"I promise I'll call her just once. And if she doesn't want to speak with me, I'll never call her again. Please, it would mean a lot to me."

Alicia knew Mipha would like to hear from Link but was afraid if she asked Mipha's permission first, Mipha might still be too upset from what Zelda told her and quickly say no.

"Alright, I'll trust you," said Alicia. "But you had better keep your word. And I'll never forgive you if you hurt Mipha's feelings. She's a very sensitive person."

"I promise I won't," said Link. "I'm hoping she doesn't hurt mine."

Alicia gave Link Mipha's phone number, then said goodbye as she headed into the dorm and Link began walking back to the boys dorm. It was dinnertime at the dorm when Link arrived, so he ate in the cafeteria and returned to his room afterwards. Link took out his phone, then sat down at his desk and kept staring at it. He had put in Mipha's number, but now he needed to steady himself and figure out what to say.

He thought he would ask her to go with him to the theme park tomorrow. They could go on some rides together and have a snack, perhaps. And it was a public place, so Mipha should feel safe there. However, he also realised that he needed to be prepared that she might turn him down. He took a couple of deep breaths to steady himself, then dialled Mipha's number. The phone rang three times, and Link was about to end the call when Mipha answered.

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