Chapter 11: The accident and forgiving

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The day after Mipha met Link's parents, it was time for Link to meet Mipha's parents. Link was so worried about making a good impression that he took over an hour to choose his clothes.

" What shall I wear? A shirt and tie? And what kind of trousers?"

After finally settling on his outfit, Link started to worry about something else.

"What gift shall I bring? Would they prefer jewellery or food? Jewellery is prettier but very expensive and maybe too personal for a first visit. But if I choose food... what do they like?" Link paced back and forth. At last, he gave up and decided to ask Mipha.

"Sweetheart, what shall I bring for your parents?" Link asked gently.

" No need, Link. You are the biggest present. My father and mother wanted me to have a boyfriend for a long time. And now, I do!" Mipha laughed.

" But Mipha, I still should give them a present, because they are your parents!" said Link as he shook his head. " Please, give me some advice."

" Alright. If you want to, I can give you a suggestion. My parents are very fond of coconut biscuits. And if you think that is too small a gift, you can bring them a bottle of wine as well if you want to." Mipha said and smiled, " Thanks for being so considerate, Link. My parents will like them."

"No problem! It is not expensive." Link said, " I am not so poor I cannot buy anything."

"My parents will value that you are a fine person and that you love me far more than the most expensive present you could buy sweetheart," said Mipha.

Link smiled and they kissed.

After Link bought the presents, they began the journey to Mipha's house. But on the way, they were horrified to see a car accident. One car was completely crushed by another. Mipha screamed and all the nearby traffic came to a stop, as did Mipha and Link. Then they rushed over to see what happened.

What they saw was terrible! The two people in the car that had been crushed had been thrown out of the vehicle. And they were none other than Alson and Alicia!

"Oh, no! Alson! Alicia!" Link and Mipha shouted at the same time.

They reached out and gently shook them.

" Alicia, Alson wake up! Oh, dear! My healing power is not working!" Mipha shouted, " Link! Please call an ambulance!"

Link immediately took out his phone and was ready to call the ambulance. Suddenly, a girl walked out from the other car that had been in the accident. It was Zelda.

Link was furious when he saw Zelda, and at once frowned and shouted, " Why are you here? Are you a crazy? Did you deliberately cause this accident? I hope we can wake Alicia and Alson!!"

Zelda was shocked, and she took two steps back, "Link, Mipha, I honestly didn't mean it. It was really just an accident! I..."

Zelda hasn't finished her sentence, but Link shouted at her once again one more. " Then why didn't you get hurt? If you caused this on purpose, I hope you do get hurt!"

Zelda covered her mouth with her hand, she didn't believe that Link would say such a thing. Mipha realized that Link had gone too far, and she thought that it might not be Zelda's fault. So, she pulled Link aside and said, " Don't say that Link. It's hateful to wish someone harm. She may be telling the truth, and I think we should trust her once more."

Zelda heard that and realized how kind Mipha was. She started to think that it had been wrong to let her jealousy make her do those terrible things to her. She felt a lot of sorry for what she had done to Mipha.

" But Mipha..." Link said, shaking his head, " You don't know that much about her character. We cannot trust her!"

"Link, enough. You must learn how to forgive others. There might be other reasons or clues as to why Alicia and Alson got hurt. It might not be Zelda's fault this time!"

Mipha then turned to Zelda and continued, " So, Zelda. I think you have to explain that why didn't you get hurt."

"Because I used the safety protection that my father bought me! Trust me. Now, the first thing I would do is to try to save Alicia and Alson. I studied first aid and I have a first aid kit in my car." Zelda turned and returned with her first aid kit. Then she managed to treat Alson and Alicia.

A few minutes later the ambulance arrived, and the paramedics took over.

"Your friends will be okay," said one of the paramedics after examining them. "We need to take them to the hospital and treat their injuries. They won't be able to have visitors for a while, perhaps not until after dinner time. You could visit them then."

They thanked the paramedics as they left to take them to the hospital.

"Link, I was right, do you agree? Everyone wants to be trusted, and sometimes you need to do that even if you know how hateful that person is." Mipha smiled and asked.

" Yes, I think this time you are right, Mipha. However, I think we should not go to your parent's home tonight. I think we should go to the hospital and help take care of Alicia and Alson." said Link.

" I agree darling. Let's get some food and drive to the hospital!" Mipha said but then saw Zelda was going to walk away alone. She noticed that Zelda looked sad, so she called out, " Do you want to come with us, Zelda?"

Zelda's eyes went round as she turned and asked, " Are... are you sure I can join you? Does Link mind if I come? I won't join you if he doesn't want me to."

"How dare he reject my invitation to a friend to join us for dinner?" Mipha laughed, "He won't mind it at all, right, Link?"

"Yes of course you can have dinner with us. I am so sorry, Zelda. I should not have shouted at you and blamed you before I knew the truth. Do you forgive me?" said Link as he lowered his eyes.

" Y... yeah, I will. I am sorry too, Mipha. I should not have done those terrible things to you. I was even going to kill you if Link hadn't discovered it. But I was too angry. I felt that only I can be with Link because Link is such a perfect boy and an ideal boyfriend. I thought you were stealing Link from me, but now, I know I was wrong. Link was never mine to steal, and fell in love with you, as you did with him. I can see you truly love each other very much. Mipha, you are the only one who can give the best to Link, and you are the best choice for Link. Will you forgive me, Mipha?" Zelda said truly sad and Mipha could tell that Zelda sincerely knew that she was wrong.

"I don't mind it anymore, Zelda. It was all in the past. The most important thing is that you know you were wrong. I don't mind. So, we are going to check Alicia and Alson first, and where are we going to have our dinner?" Mipha asked and took Zelda's hand.

Zelda was shocked for a second, then she held Mipha's hand tight. Both of them looked at each other and smiled.

"I can suggest a Japanese restaurant. The food is delicious! I have been there many times! Let's go," Zelda said and Mipha answered, " "Good suggestion. I was about to ask if there were any good Japanese restaurants you could suggest!"

Mipha and Zelda began talking and walking, holding hands.

Link watched them as they walked and whispered to himself, " Oh no! I've been ignored once again." But the next second, he shouted and ran to Mipha and Zelda, " Hey, girls! Wait for me!"

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