Chapter 10: Mipha met Link's parents

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"So, tell us a little about yourself, Mipha," said Link's mother as they were eating a delicious dinner of Hyrule Bass with mushrooms, green beans and rice.

"Well, I grew up in Zora's Domain, where my parents both still live," said Mipha. "They encouraged me to do my best in everything, and I studied hard when I was in school. But I still found time to swim and play with friends. When I was old enough, I earned a scholarship to Hyrule University, and am excited to be a student there. I've enjoyed every subject I've taken."

"Mipha is so modest, Mom," said Link. "She's incredible! She's a straight-A student in every subject!"

Mipha blushed slightly at how much Link was praising her.

"Do you have any idea what field of work you would like to pursue, Mipha?" asked Link's father.

"I think being a doctor would suit me best," said Mipha. "I think I would be good at healing people."

"That is a very admirable profession," nodded Link's father.

"And I'm sure Mipha would be good at it," said Link excitedly. "Why she ...."

Then Link stopped as Mipha glanced at him, remembering that Mipha's parents wanted her healing magic to remain a secret, at least for now.

"Why she has such a kind personality, I'm sure every patient would love her," said Link, thinking of how else to finish his sentence.

"That sounds perfect," said Link's mother.

"And we're both happy you're such a good influence on our son, getting him to spend more time on his studies," said Link's father. "I'm sorry to admit Link always favoured football over books."

"Your son is smart and has a good heart," said Mipha. "I know he will do well at whatever he puts his mind to."

"That's very kind of you, Mipha," said Link's mother as she smiled at her.

The rest of the dinner was uneventful as they spoke about what else was happening at the university and a bit about what Link was like as a younger child.

"Link was always a very active little boy," laughed Link's mother. "So I am not surprised he took to sports so readily."

Link blushed every time his parents discussed what he was like as a child, and Mipha thought it was cute.

Finally, it was getting late and Mipha had to return to the dorm. Link, of course, would accompany her back to the university and stay there.

"It was a pleasure to meet you, Mipha," said Link's mother as they prepared to leave. "Our son was lucky to meet you."

"I feel lucky to have met him," said Mipha. "Thank you for a delicious dinner and I enjoyed meeting you too."

"Goodnight," said Link's father.

Link hugged his mother and father goodnight, and then he and Mipha caught the next bus to return to campus. They held hands as they sat together near the back of the bus, and Mipha rested her head against his.

"My parents really like you," said Link. "Of course, I expected that. What isn't there to like about you?"

"I'm glad," said Mipha. "And it was fun learning about you as a young child. So, you actually broke their front window kicking a football when you were five?"

"Are you going to tease me about all the things you learned about me?" laughed Link as he blushed and then tickled Mipha in the ribs, making her laugh too.

"Yes, I plan to," laughed Mipha. "I love seeing you blush!"

Then Link laughed and they kissed, as nobody was sitting behind them.

When the bus reached the campus, they exited and Link walked Mipha to her dorm.

"I would like you to meet my parents next," said Mipha as they were about to say goodnight.

"I would like that," said Link. "If nothing else maybe I can learn how you misbehaved as a child."

"Very funny," said Mipha and this time she tickled Link, making him laugh.

Then they kissed goodnight.

"I love you," said Link after their kiss ended.

"I love you, too," said Mipha. "Pleasant dreams."

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