Chapter 26: Wedding

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Two weeks later, it was Mipha and Link's wedding, and nobody on that day was not excited. The wedding starts at 4 pm. Mipha and Link were in a separate room. The wedding was about to start, it was on a beautiful day with a blue sky and shiny sun. " Mipha, have you got ready?" Zelda asked, " There are so many people outside and it is starting in just 5 minutes! I am so excited!" 

" C'mon Zelda. You don't have to be that excited, it is not your wedding." Alicia said, " I am actually very nervous! Coming in front of so many people makes me nervous." 

" Keep calm, Alicia." Mipha said, " It will be fine. Even I am not as nervous as you." 

" It will be the best wedding; I am sure we will do well," Zelda said.

Outside of the wedding room, the priest said, "Hello everyone. I am so glad that I have the pleasure of joining this wedding, to see this couple grow. We have a little clip for everyone for their growing." Then the screen outside started to show the video. It is every little moment that Mipha and Link are together. From their university 1 school picture to university two, with Mipha cheering for Link in the football competition, in university three with their first kiss and their love moments. Till University 4, their Christmas party, how Link asked Mipha for marriage. And also, some of the pictures they took on the top of Mountain Fuji, and the pictures they took today.

Mipha secretly opened a bit of the curtain and looked outside. And she saw Link, who was also secretly looking outside. And they both laughed a bit. But then, Link has been called out.

" It is about the time; I saw Link outside!" Alicia said.

" Okay, dear, are you ready?" Mipha's father, Dorephan asked.

" Yes, absolutely, Father," Mipha said and held Dorephan's arms. Then, it is time for them to go out, it is also the time when Dorephan should let go of her daughter. 

Mipha took a deep breath, then they went out of the room, through the door, they were standing in a garden. The moment Mipha went out, everyone was shouting " Wow" or " She is so pretty!" Mipha wore a long, white wedding dress that covered her legs, with a very light blue yarn cover on top. It fit Mipha's body perfectly. With a light pink headcover, she is just like an angel who came out from a dream. Her hands were wearing white gloves, holding a bunch of purple Iris, and white Jasmine, also a bit of Myrtus. The white skin that only Zora's girls have, Mipha has it too, it was shimmering and shining under the sun, and it just much her triple beautiful.

Link also shocked Mipha out. He was wearing a white suit with a rose in his front pocket. He was just like how the others were, but Mipha thought that he was much more handsome on that day. His smile and his movements are enough to make Mipha loves him until she dies. 

Mipha and Dorephan walked over to Link. When she approached, Dorephan put Mipha's hand onto Link's. And Dorephan nearly cried, but he whispered to Mipha, " You have to be happy, my dear daughter."

" I will," Mipha whispered back. And she smiled at Link. Link blushed quite a bit, but he became calm quickly. 

" Everyone, please silence, turn off your phone. Because next is the most important thing we need to do.  We have to witness their oath of love." The priest said. 

" Say yes, if you are willing to do what I say. Link, you won't leave her no matter sickness, poor, or stress, even how she looks to marry Mipha,  as her husband?" The priest asked.

" Yes, I do." Link smiled.

" How about you, Mipha? Are you not going to leave Link no matter sickness, poor or stress, or even how he looks, to marry Link, as his wife?" The priest turned to Mipha and asked.

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