Chapter 3 : Football bullies

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It was almost time for another football game, and quite a few students were already in the stands. Mipha had come early to get a seat near the team bench and was reading a textbook in the meantime. The team was practicing, kicking balls, but Link was not on the field yet. His shoelace broke during practice, and he returned to the locker room to fix it.

Zelda and her two friends, Lucy and Rena, had just arrived, and Zelda was annoyed to see Mipha sitting by the team bench. She had wanted to sit there, but all the seats were taken now.

"That Mipha is really getting on my nerves!" Zelda exclaimed as she and her friends were forced to sit a few rows back.

"Oh, there's Link!" said Lucy as Link emerged from the locker room and made his way onto the field.

Some fans applauded Link as the star of the team, and he waved back. Then he saw Mipha sitting in the front row near the team bench, and he took a deep breath. Now he hoped thinking about her wouldn't distract him from his game.

As Link made his way to the bench, his friend Alson launched a hard kick. But his aim was poor, and Link saw the ball sailing toward Mipha. Mipha was still reading, unaware she was about to get struck by an errant kick.

"Lookout!" cried Link as he jumped into the air just in time to deflect the ball away from Mipha.

Mipha looked up and realized what had just happened and stood up as Alson rushed over.

"Oh, sorry! Thank goodness you were here, Link. I think you should start playing goalie. That was quite a nice save!" said Alson.

"Mipha, are you okay?" Link asked as he put his hand on her shoulder, ignoring Alson for the moment.

"Yes, thank you, Link," said Mipha as she smiled at him and looked straight into his eyes. "I never saw the ball coming. I guess I shouldn't be reading while people are practicing."

Link got a warm feeling inside as he returned her gaze and had trouble looking away. She had such gorgeous eyes! He could look at them forever! Then Alson spoke up, interrupting Link's thoughts.

"Um, Link, we better go and get ready. The game is going to start soon," said Alson.

"Huh? Oh, right," said Link as he blushed, and Mipha noticed.

"Good luck, Link," said Mipha as she waved to him. "I'll be rooting for you and our team."

Meanwhile, Zelda and her friends saw the whole incident.

"What is with that girl?" Zelda asked. "I was hoping the ball would hit her smack in the face! Serve her right for studying all the time."

"Let's go discuss it with her at halftime," said Lucy.

The game was exciting, Link scored one of the team's three goals, and Hyrule U was leading at halftime by a score of 3 to 1. Mipha got up from her seat to get something to drink, and Zelda, Lucy, and Rena watched her and then followed her. After Mipha purchased a drink from the refreshment stand, she was about to return to her seat when Zelda and her friends confronted her.

"Well, if it isn't the scholar, Mipha," said Zelda. "I didn't know you liked sports. Or is it someone on the team you're interested in?"

"What business is it of yours, Zelda?" said Mipha.

"I make it my business," said Zelda. "And I don't like you taking a seat right by the team. I like to sit there."

"First come, first served," said Mipha. "Next time, get here earlier."

"You little brat!" said Zelda, and she pushed the drink so it spilled on Mipha. "I hope you like being wet."

"Actually, she's a Zora, Zelda," whispered Rena. "She might not mind at all being wet."

"Whatever!" said Zelda as she stared at Mipha again. "Keep away from Link. He's going to be my boyfriend, even if he doesn't know it yet!"

With that, Zelda and her friends left while Mipha got some napkins to wipe off the spilled drink from herself.

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