Chapter 89: Back to work.

Start from the beginning

Taehyung opened his eyes and glared at him,
"See you'll go there and just overwork, what about your health, what if something goes wrong and am not there?" He pushed out the words even though they felt like poison over his own tongue. His voice breaking at the end at just the thought.

Jungkook wrapped his arms around Taehyung's neck and then jumped slightly to wrap his legs around Taehyung's waist who was quick to catch him. For once he was surprised his leather pants were that stretchable.

Jungkook stuffed his face in Taehyung's neck and just breathed in the calming scent,
"Scooby and Yoongi hyung will be there. And if I for a second feel like something is wrong I'll call you, okay?" He told Taehyung very soothingly and the man tried to control his breathing.

"Promise to call me every hour?"

"Two hours."

"One and a half."


"So fucking stubborn!"

"Two or no call at all."



As soon as Jungkook entered the station he paused, taking two steps back he looked up and double checked whether he was in the right place and surprisingly it said,

"Police Headquarters, Seoul, Republic of Korea."

He walked back inside again and looked around the dark area, just as he took another step forward the light turned on and a loud sound startled him,
"Welcome back, officer Jeon." He looked around and his eyes watered as he stared at all the officers standing in their proper uniforms and frozen in their salute stance.

He looked at Daniel and then at Yoongi and smiled teary eyed when he saw them saluting at him too.

Behind all of them were two huge banners that said,

He looked down and shook his head when a thought loomed in his mind,
"Maybe it won't be so bad."


Sitting behind the desk was by far the most annoying thing Jungkook had ever done in his entire life because yes, it was that bad and he already hated it.

He resolved some issues of some people but he couldn't step out. He had just finished up instructing some officers over the new case assigned to him, they were to go out as a team for some investigation.

He stood there as they exited the station to get into their police van, he looked around and saw no one was looking and just as he had taken a step,
"Don't even think about it." Yoongi's voice came from behind him.

He rolled his eyes and turned around to look at his brother,
"I am not going anywhere okay?" He hissed out before going and sitting back down on his desk.

Yoongi squinted his eyes at him and followed him with his gaze,
"Yea right." He said and leaned over Jungkook's desk.

"Leave me alone!" Jungkook said looking at his computer screen and not at Yoongi who just stood there without a word.

"I am not going to say this again Jungkook, I will fucking pull you back inside the station with your fucking ear if you even dare try to step out to follow the others." Yoongi said in a scolding yet soft tone.

Jungkook just nodded not responding, well he's sulking okay? Let him sulk alone!

"It's time for your medicines!" Suddenly came another annoying voice and Jungkook just wanted to fucking bang his head on the wall.

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