41 - Did The World Stop Spinning?

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hi my lovelies, i truly enjoy all your comments so please leave all your reactions! love you <3

I never truly understood the meaning of life, was it love, family, wealth? I truly never knew the answer until now. The truth is, the meaning of life is freedom. Without freedom there's no happiness, without happiness there's no love, and without love there's no family.

The truth is, I have quit crying weeks ago. The past few weeks after being de-programmed has been purely planning. To get the hell out of here. So far Antonio doesn't seem to suspect anything wrong with me, I have been playing the part perfectly.

"Ready, honey?" I watch as the dark cloud towered beside the wooden door.

"Oh, yes, of course my love." I gave him a sweet smile as I slipped on a silver bracelet. I truly was smiling. These were the last few hours that I was going to be under the devil's control. After today, I would be free. A free woman. There was nothing that was going to stop me.

"You look beautiful as always, my lamb." Antonio approached, planting a kiss on my forehead. "You're my good girl, you know that, right, Angel?"

"Positive." I said in return, giving him a kiss to shut him up. "I'll be out and ready in just a moment." I said politely.

"Alright, don't forget, we need to take your medicine once you're done." I mentally rolled my eyes as he planted an addition kiss on my forehead before finally exciting the room.

I smiled once more into the more as I finished putting in my earrings. I stared at the black dress that coated my body, hugging onto it tightly. This would be the outfit I would bury Angel in.

Stupid fucking name anyways. I was glad to be returning to Love Adaire, my true form. She would be resurrecting once more tonight.

I gave a smile nod at the mirror before slowly entering the kitchen.

Antonio approached as he held his hand out, showcasing 5 pills. There's no way in hell I was going to take any of those.

I gave him a gentle smile as I took them from his hand, I motioned and moved my hand, inching it towards my mouth as my other hand purposefully hit the plate on the table behind me, pushing it to the floor and destroying it. As he was distracted, I quickly threw the pills away, rushing on my knees to the broken glass.

"Oh! My dear. I deeply apologize. How silly and clumsy of me. Let me get this cleaned up, yeah?" I smiled as I grabbed the broom.

"It's alright..." Antonio looked pissed off. "Just...just get in the car." He said trying to keep calm as he took the broom from me.

I can't deny how fucking annoyed watching Angel break that glass made me. She knows fucking better. She knows fucking better than to break my dishes like that.

As I began to bend over and sweep up the glass, I couldn't help but notice little tablets in the trash can. As I go on my knees and bent forwards towards the trash can, the image became very clear. She fucking threw them out.

Instinctively, I grabbed one of the glass on the floor, squeezing it tight in anger, watching as the blood dripped down my hand. That would soon be Angel's blood, I was fucking done. I understood that her mind control therapy was meant to keep her obedient, but I still cannot allow this shit to continue.

I took a mental note to punish her for that as soon as we got home from the funeral.

The thought of the funeral brought me great joy. We finally were going to say goodbye to her disgraceful past, her old name, her family name and much more. It truly was going to be beautiful, as well as watching her family cry.

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