30 - Madhouse (Novella)

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Let me out, let me out,
                                     LET ME OUT

Five days, it has been five days since I was locked down here. The only reason I know this is I have been keeping track by a journal I found. Who would've thought Antonio's father wouldn't be checking the cells. Thankfully, it was hidden under a stack of hay, a pen being attached. I think I'm going insane.

Five days prior

"You've fucked up good this time!" I heard Antonio roar as he began to drag me by my hair. I let out a cry in pain.

"P...please! Please!" I let out a sob. "I...I just wanna see my mommy..."

"I thought we've established that your mother is a fucking whore!" He said in disgust as he got tired of my whining and threw me over his shoulder. I watched as the brightness dimmed as we were brought to the dungeon. I faced a cold slap in the face as I was thrown into a cell.

"Never again! Never fucking again will you behave this way. By the time I'm done with you I-"

The sound of heavy boots clapping against the floor was heard. His threat was cut off by his fathers presence. "Son." I heard. Antonio took a deep breath of frustration as he turned.

"I thought I'd oversee..." Derrick proposed.

"I am just fine. I know what I am doing, father." He dismissed. Antonio began to attach my foot to the chain. "We will be fine. This is not something I cannot fix."

"I expect true proper... molding." He paused, trying to find the right word. "Your mother has been taken care of, I doubt the same mistake will repeat again. Will I expect two extra plates at supper?"

"Just one." Antonio answered. "She doesn't deserve to dine. She doesn't deserve to breathe the fresh air up-above."

I let out a sniffle as I kept my head low. What the hell was I supposed to do? Argue? Sounds pleasing, but that would be signing my death certificate. I fear what horrors could be caused by both Antonio and David overseeing my torture.

"Very well." Derrick nods. "Make me proud son."

Antonio responded with a smirk as Derrick left. "Ready... darling?"

Those words sealed the fate of one of the worst nights of my life.


"Sweet girl." Antonio smiled down at me as he placed a bowl with cheerios', with no milk.

"Hello..." I give him a sad greeting as I lowered my head. "How are you feeling?" He gives a playful pout as he began to stroke my hair.

"O...okay..." I let out a nervous response. I was in pain. My back had scars. He said my arms and legs and face were too pretty for scars, so he left all the torture to my back. Disregarding, two nights ago when he was drunk and took a knife to my arm.

"You're doing so much better baby." He said with a smile. "I'm confident you'll be back upstairs tomorrow. I do need to collect you tonight for a meeting with father... mother will be there too. It's to establish and confirm the new behavior from you two."

I gave him a shy nod as he pressed his lips against my forehead. "Very well." He placed a water bottle. "I'll come see you soon. Goodbye, baby."

As soon as he left, I dashed for the journal I hid under the same stack of hay.

I wrote.

Sometimes I wonder what my future holds
Sometimes I wonder if I will ever get my happy ending
Sometimes I wonder if he'll get bored and kill me
Sometimes I wonder what mom and Emmie are doing
Sometimes I wonder if life is worth livi

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