7. Emotional Bruises

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He chuckles as he points to the plate with a sandwich below me. "Eat up. We have a guest coming over!" He smiled.

This is my chance! Some hope! A knock could be heard from the door. Antonio began to handcuff my hand to the living room table as he walks to the door. "Oh, it's so nice to see you!" I heard a feminine voice as I saw someone hugging Antonio.


I instantly tried to run to her but the chain attached to my wrist held me back. "Emmie!" I cried out.

I looked at Antonio as a chuckle left his mouth. He gives me a pitiful look as he walks over to me and kneels to me, petting my hair. "Oh, honey..."

Emmie smiled as she walked to the living room and put a pie on the floor beside us. "Hello, Lovey." She said with a smile.

I look at her, panic in my eyes. "What are you doing here? It's not safe? He's fucking crazy!" I hiss

Antonio gave her a look of anger before Emmie spoke. "We all do crazy things when we're in love." Emmie cheers.

"What?" Is all the words I could let out.

"Why were you on the news telling people that I ran away? You can see that's clearly not the case!" I said as I pulled on the chain to emphasize my point.

Emmie looks over at Antonio and he returns a smirk to her before she chuckled.

I look at them before realizing that she wasn't gonna help me. After all these years of laughter, crying, spending time with Emmie and loving her... could I really mean nothing to her? All I felt was sadness and betrayal. That realization hurt more than anything else I've ever experienced.

I felt tears roll down my cheek. "Don't be sad, Lovey. This is for the best. You needed to settle down." Emmie says, thinking her words were comforting, but they were just sinister to me.

"Fuck you. Fuck you both!" I scold them.

Emmie looks at Antonio, a flash of hurt in her eyes. "That's very inappropriate, Love. You're gonna apologize to me and your sister, right now."

I gives them a sad face. "I'm sorry... for you two being a little bitch!" My face ended in a grin.

"That's it." Antonio says as he stands up. "We will try tomorrow and you will be apologizing to the both of us. Emmie, how about you stay in the guest room for tonight?"

Emmie let out a smile. "I would love to. It's a shame you're acting this way." She said, giving me a look that was meant to guilt trip me.

Antonio looks down at me after she left.

"I'm very disappointed in you, Love." He says as he removes the bondage from my wrist and picks me up. He walks into the bedroom and puts me on his bed. Opening a dark closet in his room. I could see a chain that was sticking out of it.

He walks back to me as he picks me up and sits me in the dark, small closet. He began to use the chain to tie my hands to a tiny pole in the closet.

"Think about your actions. You're not leaving this closet, not getting fed, washed, watered, until I get a genuine apology for you. I don't deal with ungrateful brats." He hisses as he slams the door shut and locks it.

I quickly try to stand up but the chain restricts me. "No! Antonio! Let me out!" I cried, knowing that the dark and being in tight spaces were a huge phobia for me.

He opens the door as I let out a smile, thinking that he was gonna let me out. He began to shove a thick piece of cloth down my throat. "Be fucking quiet." He hissed as he slammed the door shut.

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