8. Films

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"I got the popcorn!" Emmie cheered as she ran to the living room, where Antonio and I were settled. His grip on me was so tight, what's his problem?

Emmie smiled as she put the blanket over us and put the box of popcorn on the floor, in reaching distance of us.

"Let me see the options." Antonio says, almost boredly, Emmie hands him a total of five CDs.

I peak over and look at the options. I smile and point to The Notebook, after all, I haven't seen it. I wanted to be the judge if it was worth the hype or not.

"Boring." Is all he says in response as he throws the CD on the floor. "Let's do this one." He smiles and hands Emmie a CD with the title 'The Basement' on it. The cover had a man with a knife on it. Definitely not my cup of tea.

He smiles as he wraps his arm around me, bringing me in close. As the movie began, we were introduced to the killer. I saw how intrigued Antonio was at the killing. The killer stuck his knife into the victim's skull, the sound and the image of such horror made me hide my head in his chest, when I looked back up at him, he was smiling at the TV.

"Are you liking this movie?" I ask, with some shakiness in my voice.

"I think it's beautiful, a work of art." He smiles, looking down at me before kissing my head.

I had to ask the question that kept floating around in my mind, the thought wouldn't leave me alone.

"Would you kill someone?"

The movie had been quite beautiful so far. Something about the eyes of the prey when they realize they're about to take their final breath.

My sweet looked rather terrified at such a scene. That's what I liked about you, you were pure, and wouldn't dare to hurt a fly.

When they say opposites attract, they were being truthful.

It gave me a thrill and satisfaction as you dug your head into my chest. It reminded me of what my main responsibilities consisted of, protecting you.

I hope you know that this would never happen to you. No one could ever hurt you when you're in my arms. With that, I would never kill you. What a waste that would be!

I smiled down at your question. "I think it was beautiful, a work of art." There was no other genre that was truly like horror. Romance movies were boring, the man was always such a pussy.

Comedies could never make me laugh and all the other genres seem pretty irrelevant. Horror kept you on edge, made you feel such thrill.

The look in your eyes made me so excited when you asked the interesting question. Have I killed people?

Sure, I wasn't expecting such a question. I wanted to be honest with my future wife. I also didn't want you to think that my answer would be your fate. Never.

I gave you a smile as I began to stroke her hair. "I am simply a protector of love and family." Leaving how you would take my response to your own interpretation.

My eyes left the movie as I looked down at Emmie. Sure, she's helped me. She's made sure the cops didn't look too far, she mislead them.

But it was still prevalent that she had no place in our future. We can't have dirty water mixing with clean.

"I shall get us some more popcorn." I say as I got up from the couch, giving Love a kiss on the forehead before walking out.

The funny thing about the collar is... it gives me so much important and fun benefits. One would be presented today.

I walk into my office as I turn on my computer and log into the database that stores the voice recordings connected to the collar.

I listen.

"Emmie, you have to help me please. He's gonna hurt me and you!" My love cries out.

"Don't be silly, we're a part of his family now."

That line made me sick, she would never be apart of our family.

"You know what?" Emmie began. "If it comes down to it and you still don't like him in a year. I'll take him from you. I'll be the love of his life. I'll take you from here. But, it's a gonna be a process."

Anger filled my veins as I squeezed my hand tightly, what the fuck made her think that I could possibly ever want her? She absolutely disgusts me. I couldn't hear it anymore. I slam the computer shut in anger before creeping into the living room.

"Hey..." Love whispered shyly. I gave you a soft smile before giving you a kiss on the forehead. You always knew how to make things better. But, things weren't better yet.

"We missed you, Ant!" Emmie cheered. Don't fucking call me that. You disgust me. Don't speak to me, you filth.

It took me all my strength to not knock her to the floor or take out my gun and end my misery.

I turned to her. "Your time with us is over now. Leave." I say with a twisted smile.

The way her face dropped was so amusing and satisfying. "What?..." She chilled.

"You heard what I said." My voice was chiller.

You watched in horror, which made me question you. Why were you afraid? I looked down at you as an began to stroke your hair, bringing my attention back to Emmie.

"Say your goodbye, this is the last time you two will be near each other. You are dirty. Your family is dirty. There's no room for fifth."

A loud thud was heard, before a scream.

Wowzers! Thank you guys for 200 views and over 50 favorites. Truly angels you guys are. I hope you all enjoyed the chapter. What do you think happened? <3

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