25. Dinner Party

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Luca approached us with a smile. "There's my girls." He said with a deep voice.

Emmie gave a pat on the shoulder for reassure as she gave Luca a departing nod.

"It seems as if you two have gotten along well, huh?" Luca teased, his voice had no malice in it, but his eyes surely told me that today was not going to be pleasant.

"I think she's ready to be molded into everything you desire her to be." Emmie smiled as she departed.

"Is that so?" Luca slurred. I felt his hand as he began to stroke my cheek. "Oh, you were always such a pretty thing. It's a shame that I can't touch you." He said as he shook his head. "I mean...I could. But I doubt you'd want that."

I didn't know how to go about this in a respectful way. I looked down and began to play with my fingers. "N..no thank you."

I heard a chuckle as I looked back up at him. "Did he feel good?" He teased, knowing damn well that it was a sensitive topic for me.

I couldn't help but bite my tongue, already tearing up. I felt so guilty. I felt so disgusted in myself.

"Don't ruin your makeup." He waves his hand as a dismissal. "Come down to the ball room. Guests are over and you're going to be my trophy."

I cringed at his statement, but I knew that nothing good would come from pissing him off. Especially if I wanted to escape.

He planted a kiss on my forehead before his footsteps slowly faded. Fuck.

The idea of socializing with a bunch of assholes doesn't seem so grand. I put on the heels that Emmie provided, as soon as I stood up, I knew there was going to be a problem. There was no way in hell I was going to wear these! I'm going to fall and die!

I tossed the heels to the side as I fumbled through the closet and found some sneakers, fuck it!

I quickly slid on the sneakers before rushing down the staircase. As I turned the corner, I saw a crowd full of people. Beautiful women, truly what caught my eye. I instantly felt insecure, but also the company of women made me feel comfortable.

I watched as Luca followed by a man and a woman approached, Luca threw his arm over my shoulder. "This is little Lovey."

The woman had black hair and beautiful green eyes. "Why, isn't she a gem? Who is she to you?"

I gulp, getting prepared to be slandered. He took a minute to think to himself before smiling. "My pet."

It was obvious the woman seemed uncomfortable with the comment, which encouraged the man to speak up. "It was lovely seeing you Luca...and Love."

The two gave us a wave goodbye for I felt Luca look down at me intensely. "Keep
up the behavior. Also, don't be alarmed by what's going to happen tonight. You're in no danger as long as you do exactly as I say. People are going to die tonight."

I instantly felt my heart rate increase. "I...I wanna go upstairs." He smiled as he shook his head. Before he could respond, a worried young man in a suit ran to Luca.

"Sir! There's an issue in the torture department." The intensity in his eyes even made me nervous.

"Show me the cameras." Luca sighed as the young man pulled out a tablet and logged into a database.

The scene portrayed as horrifying. Guards, dead, tortured, blood...everywhere.

Luca began to tense. "What the fuck happened?" He almost growled.

"Sir, there was a rat. One of your men started shooting at the rest and..." He seemed almost too nervous to speak.

"Fucking spill it!" He yelled. The young man whispered. "I'm afraid we cannot locate him."



By the look on Luca's face, it told me everything I needed to know.


I felt as Luca grabbed my hand and squeezed it harshly, it was in a very possessive way, nothing about it was sweet.

"Maybe you do need to go upstairs." He said scarily calm.

"I don't think so." A familiar voice was heard. I looked up quickly and heard a groan in pain as I saw Luca fall to the floor, he had been tased.

I watched in worry as gunshots began to fire. I felt a large grip on me began to pull me away, I was too horrified to speak as I was pulled outside.

I didn't get a chance to look at who was pulling me away. "Who..."

"Shut up!" I heard a hiss as I was shoved into a large SUV. A needle was the last thing I saw before my world was overcome with the land of darkness.

Two days later

"Are you fucking stupid?" I heard a roar as my vision was blurry and an excruciating pain penetrated my head.

I began to blink as my eyes met him.

Antonio smiled as he gave the man a not-so-nice look as he shooed him away. He smiled as he got closer to me. Wrapping his arms around me.

"Oh, my love. How I am so happy to have you back in my arms." That was when I noticed my wrist was handcuffed to the bed. "Antonio..." I whispered.

"Shhh shh.. I know, I know. I wanted to kill the bastard for giving you too much of a dose. You must eat and hydrate quickly, poor thing." He said as he walked over to a cabinet in the room.

"Antonio..." I whispered again.
"Yes, dear?" He returned with a smile.
"Why am I tied up?" I asked, with fear in my voice.

"Well, my love. I'm afraid things need to change around here to prioritize your safety." He smiled.

"What do you mean?... I don't understand..."

"I know, my Lovey. That's why I'm here to guide you and provide for you and take care of you...and protect and secure you." He smiled as I noticed what would haunt my dreams in his hand.

The mother-fucking collar.

I felt tears rush down my eyes. "No...no. No. I won't-"

"Welcome back home baby." His smile was sickening.

Lovelies! Hello... I'm so sorry for being so absent. Things will be changing. I hope this chapter was worth waiting for you. Also special shout-out to Aphrodite, the love of my life. Fun fact, if it weren't for her motivation, this story would NEVER be out! If you love this story...you'll love "Beautifully Obsessed" by her...which you can find on my book lists!

I love you all.... <3

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