13. Things we do for love

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I spent the night wondering how he knew so much? How did he know the doctor offered me shock therapy for the device? How did he know what number to call for the hospital phone? How did he know I locked the window?

It made no sense.

I was absolutely terrified. His words were haunting me.

"One...two...I'm coming for you... Three four...you're coming home... five six...getting a needle again.
Seven eight...sealed your fate.
Nine ten...never see your family again.."

Did he mean it? The thought of being without my family brought me to tears. Was he being serious about injecting me again because I disabled the device?

I made sure to hide a sharp pair of scissors under my pillow. Was I sure I had the guts to use them?

My mom walked in and began to wrap her arms around me. "I love you sweet girl, sweet dreams. You're safe." She planted a kiss on my forehead. Oh, how I wish her words were true.

Anger. True anger. I was absolutely livid at the discovery that I had to leave you... alone. All thanks to those assholes who wanted to take you away from me.

After running for what felt like an hour, I sat beside a tree, trying to gather all my thoughts. I couldn't take the anger built up inside of me, I had to have a release.

My prayers were answered when I heard a girl giggling, I slowly sat up and peeped my head to look behind the tree. Ahh. A young couple setting up a picnic.

Why should I let their picnic go without interruption... if ours wasn't?

The way she looked at him, why don't you look at me like that? What could he possibly give her that I don't give you?

Seeing the happy pair only made me more frustrated. Fuck this.

"Oh...hey!" I heard the blonde woman cheer at me.

I gave her a smile before sitting down on the picnic blanket. "How long have you two been dating?" I ask, picking up a cherry and putting it in my mouth, crushing it with my teeth.

"Oh!" The woman cheered. "It's our five year anniversary," She cheered, grabbing her lover's hands.

"I appreciate you, bro. We want to be alone, this is special to us," He said, giving me a pitiful smile.

Absolutely pathetic.

I felt a smile grow on my face. "Oh, of course..." I stir. "Oh, but I must give you two an anniversary present. How rude of me!"

The pair looked at me confusingly, but before one could speak, I grabbed the champagne bottle they brought and hit it harshly against the man's head, causing him to fall into unconsciousness.

"Please! Please don't hurt me!" She cried. I gave her a twisted smile. She looked conflicted as she slowly took over her shirt. "Fuck me! Please! We can run away!"

Absolutely disgusting.

"You seem to have not given him your heart." I say as I held my knife up and jabbed it into her heart, twisting it and cutting her up, before pulling her heart out. "I'll give it to him for you. You ungrateful bitch!" I said as I placed her heart in the unconscious boyfriend's arms.

I smile as I watch the life fade from her eyes as I got up and began to wide down the mountain. I needed that.

After more hours of tiresome walking, I arrived at a cabin. I shot the lock on the door and was able to disable it. I slowly began to open the door, creeping into the house. I began exploring and came across a photo book. Well, isn't this fucking perfect.

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