1. Carried Away

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Rain was pouring and was followed by a loud thud that was followed by lightening. Fuck...fuck...fuck I whisper to myself as I run across the street. I let out a sign of relief as I quickly ran under some covering near a shopping. Speak of the devil I scold myself as I looked down and saw my sister, Emmie giving me a call.

"Hello?" I ask, with a bored sign. "The store is gonna fucking close soon, Love. We need the copies before they sell out. You know they will be gone tomorrow." She whines to me from the phone.

I let out a eye roll as I listened to her nagging. "Chill out, please. I'm completely poured on for this damn game!" I curse. "Don't be such a big baby, Love." Emmie laughed from the other side of the phone. Woah, I almost laughed myself at Emmie of all people calling me a baby. I whisper her a good bye before I quickly made my way into the shopping mall.

The mall would close at 12 and it was currently 11:30... I guess I had some time to spare. I glanced up at the Movie's & Games sign above... so creative? I give myself a nod before slowly walking in. Walking around the store trying to find the fucking Killer Bride game, my sister so desperately wanted, shortly being stopped.

I glanced up as I felt a tap on my shoulder, a tall brunnette male who seemed to be in his earlier 20's looked down at me. "How can I help you...?" He looked at me, almost trying to search for or discover my name. I give him a soft smile, "Love." I said as I continued to look at the game options.

"Do you know where the Killer Bride is?" I asked. The man seemed to almost have a flash in his eyes when I told him my name. "Love..." He whispers to himself. "Oh, yes. Of course." He chuckled as he got down on his knees, appearing to be searching for the game. "You sure this isn't too scary for you princess?" He chuckled. "Princess?" I teased.

He shot me a smile before standing up. "I don't think we have it today, honey." He said with a pitiful look. "What?" I shot a frown. "Do you know when you'll have any more?" I questioned. He walked over to the cashier and motioned for me to follow him.

"I can save one for you, it might be one day to a week before you can have it in your hands. But... for you being such a good sport, I can lend you some free games and even movies." He said, looking at me, staring into my eyes. I shot him a smile. "Thank you so much, truly."

He shot me a genuine smile in return as he handed me a copy of the new Mario Kart game. "Don't want you to be too scared tonight." He teased. "Thank you." I whispered before taking the game in my hand and walking out the store with a smile on my face.

Rain poured down the window as I put my hand on my palm, waiting for this hell and bore of a shift to be over. My co-workers are always ditching and leaving me here alone, sons of bitches. Here I thought, today was be another same-old boring shift when she walked in.

She was poured on from the rain, yet she still looked so beautiful. What is a beautiful girl like her doing here? At this time of night? I bite my lip, debating whether or not I should make an approach right now.

Shortly, my feet were now possessed and I was towering over her. I lightly tapped her shoulder, "How can I help you...?" I slurred, fishing for her name.

She stared at me for a minute, like what you see? "Love." She said as you she back down on her knees as she continued to look for whatever she were searching for. Well, fuck me. Love... such a name for a girl like her. It almost makes me question if her parents love or hate her. "Do you know where the Killer Bride is?" She questioned.

I smiled at her before looking through the isles, spotting the game she'd been searching for ... but questioning myself. If I gave it to her now, I lose her. She needs a reason to come back to see me ... everyday.

Sounds perfect. I put on my poker face as I turned to her and broke to her the sad ... news. I could see the disappointment in her face. Oh boohoo.

"I can save one for you, it might be one day to a week before you can have it in your hands. But... for you being such a good sport, I can lend you some free games and even movies." I smiled. She lit up, that face was something I could get used to. She gave me her thanks as I handed her the copy of Mario Kart and walked out. That was when my project would begin.

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