2. I see you

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"Did you get it? Did you get it?" Emmie practically tackling me as I walked in through the door. "No... but I did get us Mario Kart!" I said, holding my disappointment back. "What the fuck, Love?" She cursed at me.

"It's out of stock but ... some handsome employee gave us this game for free! I'll be able to probably pick it up tomorrow." I tease as I grab the bag of Goldfish from her. "You're an ass." She chuckled. "Did you agree to blow him off or something?" She teases.

"You're gross!" I chuckle. "Who's that?" She asked with a confused look on her face. "Hm?" I question as I turn to what she was looking at. There was a car with very tinted windows. The car was all black and almost blended into the night sky.

"Is that Ryder?" I asked, fishing for any reasoning. "No, Ryder's sound asleep. Should I call the police?" Emmie questions.

"Oh, don't be ridiculous. I'm sure it's just someone on their phone. I doubt it's that serious or has anything to do with us. Just..." I say as I try to comfort her by rubbing her shoulders. "Get some rest and if you need any reassurance or comfort, our ring is working again." I smile.

Emmie teased a small smile. "You're an idiot, Love." She playfully punched my shoulder. "Good night and keep an eye on that car for me, okay?" Emmie said with a hint of worry in her voice as she walks to her room to end the day.

Jeez. Dramatic much? Emmie was always paranoid and always thought someone was gonna kill her. No matter where we go, she's always on alert.

Maybe that's something I should have learned.

I watched as I looked out the window and saw the car, still sitting there. But this time I took a deeper look and felt eyes staring at me, yet I quite couldn't make out what the eyes were, but I knew it was coming from that damn car!

In worry, I slowly closed the blinds and made sure the door was locked. Trying not to freak myself out so much.

Could she not expect me to learn more about her? She was the embodiment of a flower. The way she spoke, the way she presented herself, she did this to me.

That's why as soon as she left, I closed down the store, not even caring if there was still ten minutes left until closing, I really didn't give a shit if my boss scolded me. Not when she was on the line.

I was thankful that she seemed to have taken her time to get home. Even if it wasn't on purpose. It did help me greatly, did you want know the truth? Today wasn't the first day I've seen her. I've been watching her for a while whenever I've got the chance. I didn't know her name or have a conversation with her until now. Only in public did I watch her, not that I tracked her down, she was just always there. As if it was a sign.

That was why I was confident as I followed her home, knowing that she came into my space for a reason. Verifying to me that she wanted this, even if she didn't know yourself... yet.

I made sure to park in front of her home, while also keeping my distance. Her blinds were open, so I could see everything. I saw her sister, it appeared, looked disappointed that you didn't have the game she so desperately wanted.

Like I fucking care.

All I cared about was having my dove and I would... I will. I sat in the car, searching through almost every social media trying to find more glimpses of her. Yet... nothing. Aren't you a mysterious little one, my dove?

I watched as her sister pointed at my vehicle. Fuck. I can tell we're not going to get along. Sure, she might be worried for her or my Love's safety, but safety from who? Me? I'm only here to protect and cherish what's mine.

It made me relieved to see that Love was trying to down play the situation. As if she was trying to comfort her sister. When, I'm here for you, Love. Why would she need any comforting? And why would you need any comforting? The whole entanglement pisses me off.

I watched as she hushed her sister to bed as she looked out the window, at my vehicle. Why do you look frightened, Love? You should know I'm not here to hurt you. Don't you fucking do it... I curse to myself as I see her begin to close the blinds. Well, fuck, Love.

I don't like when you try to shut yourself away from me, Lovey. That's something we're gonna need to work on, together. It's a shame that our night together has to end so soon. I look forward to seeing you tomorrow. I can't wait for us to watch my project together. Very soon. Good night, Love.

Thank you so much for reading! I'm just building it up right now! Much more to come :) & Expect longer chapters soon! Have an awesome day 🤍

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