3. Sweet Dreams

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Usually going to the mall would be a hassle, which, don't get me wrong, it is. But, hopefully this time I won't have to leave empty handed. A disappointment and annoyed Emmie is not a good sight to see.

Thankfully, I would have a kind and welcoming face to help me. Or so...I thought? As I walked into the same store, I didn't see.. fuck I don't even know his name. Him. I saw an older male who seemed to be 30. I felt almost disappointed?

He walked up to me, with a grin on his face. "Hello, doll." He says, looking down at me. The fuck kinda store is this? Is it a requirement to call your customers such pet names. "Oh um... I supposedly-" I was cut off by him storming in.

"Oh, I got it, Ricky." He turned to him and then back to me, almost staring into my soul before looking back at his co-worker.

"I think we're doing fine." Ricky says with a chuckle, obviously loving teasing him. His eyes grew cold so quickly, it was almost... scary? He looked at me before quickly concealing himself.

"She's here to see me." He breathes with... frustration in his tone? He looked almost panicked. I turn to Ricky. "Is the Killer Bride here?" I asked him with a smile.

"Of course it is." Ricky smiled as he led me to the shelf and held it out for me. I felt a wash of satisfaction as I held the copy in my hand.

I saw him from across the room, looking upset and uneasy.

What's his fucking problem?

"Now, I have to go do the shit that Antonio thinks he's too good to complete. You have fun." He smiled as he put his hand on my shoulder and walked away.

I smiled as I walked up to the register with my new game in hand. He gave me an obviously fake smile. It almost hurt. I didn't understand why he was so pissed?

"You see, in order for you to pay for this. I'm going to need the Mario Kart game back." He said, almost coldly.

"But... I'm paying for this? Can't I return it later?" I ask, almost frustrated.

"Company policy." He said simply as he took the game from my hand. "Come back tomorrow with the game." He said as he gave me one last look before almost... excusing me?

"Nice seeing you too, I guess." I say sarcastically. Not wasting too much time to exit. I wasn't gonna let his shitty attitude ruin my day, I also fell into my sister's temptations to try dating apps, since my love life is pretty non-existent.

I sat in my car and spent the last hour on Bumble, which I'm not too proud to say out loud. Who thought, me, of all people would be driving to a cafè out all places to meet some stranger from the internet.

There was only one thing on my mind the whole morning. You...Love.
Which is why my blood was boiling when I saw her with Ricky. I couldn't help but notice the way he was staring at my girl.

I adore you, but use your brain baby. It's so obvious he just wants to fuck you.

Even if he just wanted to do his job, what's his business helping what's mine?

"Oh, I got it, Ricky." I insisted to him and then turned back to my dove, staring into her eyes, wanting to dive into those beautiful eyes, getting lost in them.

"I think we're doing fine." Ricky mocks me. I felt my blood boil and think about doing something terrible, before I realized who was in front of me and fixed my composure.

"She's here to see me." I almost huff at him. He can't fucking ruin this. You turn to Ricky. "Is the Killer Bride here?" I wanted to wipe that smile off your face. How dare you?

"Of course it is." Ricky smiled as he handed my dove the copy.

I'm gonna fucking kill him.

The fuck am I supposed to do now? I need her to keep coming, to keep seeing me.

She smiled as she walked up to my register. How are you fucking smiling? Does being near that loser make you happier? I was good at putting on a poker face, but this was difficult, even for me.

"You see, in order for you to pay for this. I'm going to need the Mario Kart game back." I reply to her, coldly. Yeah baby, I need you to come see me.

"But... I'm paying for this? Can't I return it later?" She asked with attitude with her voice. It made me so livid.

"Company policy." I harshly grabbed the game from her. "Come back later with the game." I looked back into her eyes, wanting to melt but remembering how she was acting.

I watched her walk out, wanting to punch something, hurt something. But I knew I needed to keep my distance, for now...

A lesson that you need to learn, Lovey. Is that there is always eyes on you. I may be working in a mall but you'd be an idiot if you thought I didn't have any side hustles.

If you pay someone a pretty penny, they will do as you please. That's why I hired a good friend of mine to watch you, to do the stalking for me, as I did have my own responsibilities.

You thought your little stunt this morning made me angry? You should have seen my face when I found out you were with another man who wasn't me.

I looked at my phone as a photo of you two were sent. Oh, you could do so much better. Me. Your taste in men is awful.

The man was wearing Spongebob shorts for fucks sake. Are we in kindergarten? It's hard to be mad at you when you're so beautiful, though.

I needed to get close to you, know you, more... but without getting to close to you.

I needed an inside resource for everything to fall into play. You know, lovey? I didn't want it to come to this.

Remind me not to tongue kiss someone ever again. He was a sweetheart but god was he an awful kisser.

I was excited to get home and rant to Emmie about everything.

I turn my key into the lock as I slowly opened it, god couldn't prepare me for what I was about to see.

"Hey, Love." I heard. I let out a gasp as I saw Emmie on Antonio's lap, kissing him.

"What the fuck is going on here?" I spit, not jealous or mad, just shocked.

"He was walking around the neighborhood and I thought he was cute, what do you think?" Emmie smiles at me.

"I need a drink." I say as I walk into the kitchen. Emmie gives Antonio another kiss before walking to me. "No, underaged." Emmie says as she grabs my hand.

"Rest. Now." She almost commands me. In the corner of my eyes all I saw was Antonio smirking at me.

What is his fucking problem?

"Good night." I sigh as a grab a bag of chips and a glass of water.

"Good night...lovey." Antonio slurs.

Men are so fucking annoying, I thought as I jumped on my bed. What a day.

Big chapter next! Thank you for all the love & support. Special shout-out to my loves Deyanna & Aphrodite! 🤍

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