6. Painkillers

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Pancakes... I thought to myself Antonio placed the plate before me. "Eat up, sweet dove." He smiles as he puts his hands on my shoulder, watching me from above.

If he loved me so much, he would know that I don't like pancakes. She looks at him, slowly lifting the knife to cut it. He shakes his head as he takes it from me. "Nuh uh, I will be dealing with knifes from now on." He was about to cut the pancakes as he grabbed my hand and looked at it.

"The fuck is this?" He said as finger hand strokes the burn from her hair curler, "Oh... I was just curling my hair yesterday and I burned myself." I whispered to him.

He chuckled, "Oh, baby. This is why you need me. You won't be able to have anything hot or sharp, or anything that could hurt you, baby." He said as he stroked my cheek.

Or you.

"I don't like pancakes." I say quickly, he stared at me for a minute.

"I don't remember asking, I made you food, you're going to eat it and be grateful." He said as he began to cut the pancake into smaller pieces and cover it in syrup. "Eat." He commands.

He scared me when he was angry, so I slowly picked up the plastic fork and began to slowly eat. I didn't like it all, but it wasn't like I could complain anymore.

"Good girl." He praised as I finished. "Today's a busy and very important day." He says as he looks down at me.

I look up at him, with a look of panic in my eyes. He smiles and gives me a kiss on the forehead before handing me a juice box. "Bring this to the bedroom. Come on." He said as he held his hand out for me.

I stare at his hand for a second, not wanting to take it. He gives me a look of danger before I slowly put my hand in his, nervous to what possibly could come of disobeying him.

He smiled as he had a tight grip on my hand as he led me to the bedroom. "On the bed." He commands, as he locks the door.

I'm not a fucking dog. I truly wanted to stand up for myself, but what could I do? There was nothing I could use for self defense. I slowly sat on the bed.

He brought a box to the bed, keeping it closed. He got on his knees and kneeled in front of me. "This isn't gonna be fun, but it's a necessity, okay?" He smiled as he strokes my cheek.

I let out a gulp in fear, "What's going on..." I whisper, my voice shaking.

He smiled as he holds something behind his back. "Be my good girl." He said as he revealed three shots.

"No.." I say as I try to run but he grabs my arm. "These are going in you no matter what, do you want to add more pain on your belt, huh? Stay fucking still." He hissed.

I began to cry he injected one needle into my arm, another one in my hand.

"One more baby, you're doing so good..." He says as I continue to cry as he injects the last needle into my neck.

"What the fuck... was that for?" I question with tears running down my face.

"Language honey." He scolds. "It's for your safety honey." He said, wiping the tears off my cheek. "I love you baby. Say it back."

I didn't hesitate, "I love you.." I whisper back. I didn't love him, but I was scared of what he could possibly do if I didn't.

"Drink your juice honey, relax." He said as he rubbed my shoulder.

I shakingly took the straw that was connected to the juice box and began to drink it. He watched me carefully, his eyes were full of admiration but his actions hurt so bad. What was up with that?

"There's one more thing we have to set up, baby. And you're not gonna like it, but frankly, I don't give a shit." He said as he chucked.

What the fuck was his problem?

I look up at him, with more tears in my eyes. "Don't worry baby, this one isn't gonna hurt." He said which instantly answered some worries.

He began to open the box and pulled out a collar, but this one looked different. It was big, bulky, and heavy. He smiled at me as he holds it in his hands.

"No..." I say as I began to crawl under the bed. "Oh, come on honey. You know I'll win baby, I always win. Come out from the bed and you won't have to be introduced to one of the features today... you aren't gonna like it. So be smart." He threatened.

What was he talking about?

"It'll hurt..." He continues and that was enough for me to slowly climb out from under the bed. I couldn't take the pain, I had enough today.

"Now sit... and behave." He slurred with authority in his voice.

I let out a whimper in sadness as I sat down. He slowly wrapped it around me and locked it on. It felt so close and tight, I didn't like it.

He could definitely tell. "You're gonna get used to it, baby. It's for your safety. You'll get to take it off when you bathe but after I'll expect you to put it on yourself again. You'll learn how, don't worry." He says as he ruffles my hair.

"Now, why don't we have a little picnic in the living room?" He said with a smile as he grabbed my hand and made his way to the bedroom door and he took out the key and unlocked it.

I took a mental note of what it looked like.

He pointed to the living room. "Go sit down and watch some TV, I'll be making us some lunch." He smiles and strokes my back before motioning for me to sit.

I slowly make my way to the couch as I fiddled with the TV remote and turned on the TV. Emmie? I questioned as I saw her on TV.

"My sister can't be missing! She's probably on some get away with that boy she was talking to." She cheered.

I run up to the TV and put my hands on it. "No no no... Emmie! I'm here! I'm here!" I cry to the TV.

"Baby, talking to the TV are we now?" He mocks me as he places my plate below me on the floor. Fuck you, I fucking hate you.

"Even if she could hear you, it's pre-recorded." He chuckles as he points to the plate with a sandwich below me. "Eat up. We have a guest coming over!" He smiled.

This is my chance! Some hope! A knock could be heard from the door. Antonio began to handcuff my hand to the living room table as he walks to the door. "Oh, it's so nice to see you!" I heard a feminine voice as I saw someone hugging Antonio.


Hi, loves! I hope you enjoyed the chapter! I appreciate & love you all so much. Much much more to come :) 🤍🫂

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