40 - Home To Another One

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Emmy here!! Your comments make my day, so if you want to leave any and showcase any reactions, please do! Enjoy!

I felt a smile grow at the perfection that laid amongst me, my precious beauty. It's truly a shame it had to come to this, if only people minded their fucking business.

My darling would be safe, no one would be able to lay their disgusting hands on what's fucking mine.

I gave her soft delicate hair one last stroke before heading over to my work station. Everything I could possibly need was here, It was time. I debated whether or not I needed to tie her up as I placed the colored contacts on the bed, I would base that on her performance.

I watched as her eyes fluttered, her eyes showcasing emotions that screamed how alarmed and frightened she was. I didn't understand that. Here I was...protecting her, doing absolutely everything for her, and she was scared? As long as that fear turned into obedience, I would have no problem with it.

"Good morning, sweetheart." I cheered as she began to wipe her eyes before groaning as she felt the soreness of her wound.

"Oh, yes, darling. You need to lay down, I can't have you walking around and getting yourself hurt." I proposed as I applied pressure to make sure she was positioned back down. "This will help lovey." I gave her a smile as I worked in the medicine into her wound. "All better, that should help with the pain. Speaking of Lovey...you need a new name. I quite like this new adjustment. Your old name...connects with your old life, without your name, what else do you have of that pathetic life? Nothing."

My mind ran rampant as his words digged deeper and deeper into my heart, it was as if daggers penetrated me. I didn't want to lose my identity, would I lose myself in the process?

"It wasn't pathetic. I was happy, Antonio!-"

I was cut off by his mean gaze, "You weren't fucking happy. You were living with two disgraceful whores!"

I couldn't hold it in, I couldn't be strong, I felt the tears rush down my cheek as my sobs released from my mouth. I was scared, I was so fucking scared.

"Baby." He said as he began to scoot his body closer to mine, stroking my hair, "It's okay, sweetie. Everything will be just fine. Now, we are going to get you in a chair, okay?" Before I could even let out a breath of refusal I felt the seething pain as he lifted my body onto a medical chair.

"Now, honey. I don't want to have to strap you down but you are going to have to behave. Okay?" He left no room for refusal as he gripped onto my chin. I was too weak, too broken to fight back. I had no choice.

Antonio looked pleased at my sudden obedience towards him. "This will be good for us. Let's get started."

I tried to relax, taking deep breaths as he began to dig through his bag, what else could I do? There was nothing I could do. I wanted out. I wanted my mommy, but there was no hope, at least not yet.

Antonio's eyes glimmered in darkness as he held a needle and thread as well as a blonde wig. "Darling." He let out dangerously.

I didn't understand.

I put the pieces together as I began to shake my head, crying hysterically, "No! Don't you fucking dare get near me!" I began to kick him as he quickly dominated me, strapping me down, even though my tears never stopped.

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