11. Homesick

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"I'll protect us. I'll make sure you're safe... no one will hurt our family. No one will break apart our family." I smile proudly, you were all I've ever wanted and now I can have you. Forever.

"Hello? Anyone here?" A voice could be heard.

The fuck? As I'm sitting up, I hear a voice call out followed by sirens and the sound of dogs barking. Motherfucker.

Many thoughts pass by my mind, thinking quickly of what to do. I look in your eyes and see a glimpse of hope. Cute. Evaluating the situation, I could pick you up and run. But that's all risky. You would probably not shut up and carrying you for how long it does to run will get tiring after sometime.

I knew what I had to do and it broke my fucking heart. These idiots will pay. I grab you harshly before kissing you messily, trying to taste every inch of your mouth and tongue. "I love you, I'll be back. You will be in my arms again. I promise you this will never happen again." I whisper hungrily into your ears before not wasting any more time before running into the woods.

I blinked, almost in shock at the interview. My mouth hurt by how aggressive he was kissing me but the shock of the situation took in control. What the fuck just happened?

Shortly, a cop was in front of me. "Ma'am, we need you to come with us." He said as he looked down at my foot, seeing the injury as he picked me up. As soon as he did that a scream was heard. I held onto the man tightly and began to dig my head into his chest.

"Fucking trap!" One hissed. "Watch your step and be careful with the dogs!" One officer yells.

I didn't remember much after that, the shock, fear, and exhaustion took over, it wasn't long before the darkness took over and I fell asleep.

The next time I woke up, I was in a hospital bed. I bolted up. "No no no no!" I cried. "Help me!" I screamed.

A nurse bolted in. I began to cry at the sight. The nurse ran to my side. "I'm...I'm sorry.. I thought I was with him." The nurse gave me a comforting rub on the back before giving me a smile. "It's okay, there's someone here who wants to see you."

I gave her a confused look before more tears streamed down my face. Momma.

She ran to me and wrapped her arms around me. "Oh, baby. You're safe. I was worried sick!" She held me as I cried.

Oh, how I missed her hugs.

A sad and ashamed Emmie appeared in the corner of my eyes. "Emmie!" I cried. She was in a wheelchair, but she was here, alive.

"I refuse to see him in court or visit him in jail!" I say confidently.

My mom and Emmie both looked at each other, with pity in their eyes. "Baby, he wasn't found yet. They said he took off."

Fear creeped down me and only chills could be felt. Before I could let out more sobs, my mother hugs me tightly. "But... you don't have to worry because you're safe here sweetie. If he goes anywhere near this hospital, the cops will get him and take him away."

Was this really the end? The end of the suffering? Pain? Fear?

"Excuse me. Miss Adair, I need to speak to the patient." A doctor says, standing in the door way. My mother planted a kiss on my forehead and Emmie gave me a polite smile before they both, exited.

"There's a problem." The doctor says.

Well, fuck me. Do I get any good news?

He showed me a picture of my x-ray. "Do you see the dot near your neck?" He asked, I returned a nod. "It appears that he placed some sort of device in your neck."

The fucking needle.

I began to hyperventilate. "You... you can take it out. Right? RIGHT?" I say, completely breaking down.

"Please, miss. I know this is traumatic. But I need you to listen." He says.

I began to wipe my tears before nodding back to him.

"It seems as if he knew exactly what he was doing and where to place it. If we cut it out, there's a possibility of it ending in your passing." He says.

I continue to sob uncontrollably as they came out. Fuck you, Antonio. Fuck you. I hope you're stuck in your stupid trap and bleeding to death.

"But, there is a solution. If we do shock therapy, there's a chance that the device will turn off and whatever it's functions might be, won't work." He said, trying to give me a comforting smile.

Well, that's perfect. I either die trying or go through extreme pain. Yeah, sounds like something Antonio would do.

I begin to wipe my tears as I began to nod at him. "Perfect." He smiled. "We will commence in the morning. Please get some rest." He says as he gave me a pitiful smile and exited the room.

I tried to get comfortable and close my eyes, but he was the only thing in my mind. I would see him, with a knife. It was like he had taken complete control over me.

I smiled as I saw a bunny stuffed animal on the bed side table. My mom must of brought it. I've had him ever since I was a baby. I smiled as I began to hold him in my arms, it did provide me comfort. I turned off the TV in the room as I began to close my eyes.

Ring. Ring. Ring.

I flinch, startled by the sound of a phone ringing. I check the clock to see it was 3 A.M. What the fuck is anyone doing during this time?

I slowly picked up the phone and held it to my ears. "Hello? Mom?"

You could never prepare me for what came next.

"Don't you dare do that fucking shock therapy." I heard his chilling voice.

"Wha.." Is all I could let out.

"Get that and when I get my hands on you, you will get another fucking shot in your neck. And if you dare take off the collar, I'll show you true shock fucking therapy!" He hissed.

I began to sob uncontrollably.

"Don't cry baby, you'll be in my arms soon. I love you so much. Just be a good girl. I'll see you soon." His voice was chilling. "No one will ever take you from my arms ever again. I'll make fucking sure of it."

I continued to cry, not able to mutter a word.

"Good night, Love."

Y'all can thank Aphrodite for another chapter today, hehe. I love you all so much. I hope you enjoyed. Should Love go through with it?

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