Book 2 Chapter 5 Avatar Day

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Amity's intro

Water. Earth. Fire. Air. 

Long ago, the four nations lived together in harmony. Then, everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked. Only the Avatar, master of all four elements, could stop them, but when the world needed her most, she vanished. A hundred years passed, and me, Willow and Gus discovered the new Avatar, an airbender named Luz. And although her airbending skills are great, she has a lot to learn before she's ready to save anyone. 

But I believe Luz can save the world

The episode opens with an overhead shot of rice paddies. The camera pans down, revealing an Earth Kingdom village. The scene cuts to a shot of a bridge over a nearby stream. People carrying backpacks and other loads walk back and forth over the bridge, either entering or departing the small village.

The scene cuts to a street within the village. Kaldo and Lilith are sitting on straw mats, their stolen ostrich horse lying behind them. A cart with masks for sale passes by in front of them, one of the masks is seen to be the Blue Spirit mask. As the cart passes, another pedestrian walks in front of Iroh. Kaldo holds his hat out to the pedestrian and begins to talk to him.

(Somewhat enthusiastically.) “Spare coins for weary travelers?” Kaldo asked

The pedestrian tosses a couple of copper pieces into Kaldo's hat as Lilith turns to Kaldo in anger.

(Angrily, with her arms folded.) “This is humiliating! We're royalty! These people should be giving us whatever we want.” Lilith said

“They will if you ask nicely.” (A peasant woman strolls past, somewhat dramatically.) “Spare change for a hungry old man?” Kaldo asked

(Withdrawing a coin from her sleeve.) “Aw, here you go.” the peasant girl said

“The coin is appreciated, but not as much as your smile!” Kaldo said

Lilith slaps her forehead in frustration as the young girl giggles lightly and walks away. As soon as she walks away, a man with dual broadswords on his back wanders up to Kaldo and Lilith.

(Smiling.) “How about some entertainment in exchange for ... a gold piece?” the Broadsword Man asked (He pulls the piece from his pocket with a flourish.)

(Annoyed.) “We're not performers.” Lilith said

(Standing up.) “Not professional anyway.” (He puts the hat down and stands up, swaying slightly as he begins to sing.) “It's a long, long way to Ba Sing Se, but the girls in the city, they look so pretty!” Kaldo sang

(Annoyed with the quality of the entertainment.) “Come on, we're talking about a gold piece here! Let's see some action!” (Lilith glances up sharply as the man withdraws his swords.) “Dance!” the Broadsword Man yelled

The man begins to slice the ground near Kaldo's feet, Kaldo hops up and down to "dodge" the attacks while Lilith struggles to control her anger at the man. A birds-eye shot of the street shows other citizens have stopped to watch the spectacle.

(Singing.) “They kiss so sweet that you really got to meet the girls from Ba Sing Se!” Kaldo sang

(Stops slicing and laughs.) “Ha, ha! Nothing like a fat man dancing for his dinner! Here ya go!” the Broadsword Man said (Tosses the gold coin onto the ground and walks away.)

(Dramatically, close to tears.) “Such a kind man.” Kaldo said

Lilith glares after the man in anger and humiliation. The camera cuts to Appa, flying through a gray sky over a large forested area, it is covered somewhat by fog, and looks rather menacing. Willow is rubbing a whetstone against her machete, while Amity and Gus are studying a scroll. Luz stares at the swamp, and seems to be in a trance. Eda notices they were slowly flying down, and notices Luz's trance-like state.

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