Book 1 Chapter 5 The King of Omashu

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Amity's intro

Water. Earth. Fire. Air.

Long ago, the four nations lived together in harmony. Then, everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked. Only the Avatar, master of all four elements, could stop them, but when the world needed her most, she vanished. A hundred years passed, and me, Willow and Gus discovered the new Avatar, an airbender named Luz. And although her airbending skills are great, she has a lot to learn before she's ready to save anyone.

But I believe Luz can save the world.

The episode opens with a close-up of a snow-covered patch of grass. The scene pans up to reveal Luz, with Amity, Gus, Willow, Eda, Appa and Momo in her trail, reaching the top of a hill. Luz spreads her arms wide while the camera shifts to a back view of the group to reveal their view.

“The Earth Kingdom city of Omashu!” (Camera pans up from the group to show the entire pyramid structured city of Omashu. Close-up of an excited Luz.) “I used to always come here to visit my friend Wraith.”

(Close-up, impressed.) “Wow. We don't have buildings like this in the South Pole!” Gus said

(Close-up, overwhelmed.) “They have buildings here that don't melt!” Willow said

(Back view of the friends, with Luz and the city visible between them. Excited.) “Well let's go, slow pokes. The real fun's inside the city!” Luz said

Luz leaps off the top of the hill with her airbending. The camera position shifts to show that she had landed a few meters below and in the snow and is starting to slide down.

(Stretching her arm out to her, halting Luz with her cry.) “Wait, Luz! It could be dangerous if people find out you're the Avatar.” Amity said

(Somewhat seriously.) “You need a disguise.” Willow said

(Shot of Luz looking up.) “So what am I supposed to do?” (In a slightly sarcastic tone.) “Grow a mustache? Girls can’t do that.” Luz said

(Turns her head to Appa) “I think I have an idea for that” Eda said

Cut to a shot of Luz wiggling her nose under which is now a patch of Appa's fur, serving as a mustache. The camera zooms back to show that Luz is also wearing a tall wig made of the same material.

(Scratching underneath the wig.) “Ugh. This is so itchy.” (Cut to a broader shot, Luz is standing beside Appa. To Appa.) “How do you live in this stuff?” Luz asked

Appa slowly turns his head toward Luz and snorts at her as if he was scoffing. Cut to a shot of Gus and Willow sitting on a rock with Amity and Eda standing beside them, arms crossed.

“Great! Now you look just like a grandfather.” Willow said

(Glancing at Willow.) “Technically, Luz is 114 years old.” Amity said

(Shocked) “for real?” Eda asked

Luz nimbly kicks up her staff and spins it rapidly around before placing it upright on the ground to be used as a walking stick. She hunches her back and leans heavily on her staff like an old person.

(In an old man's voice.) “Now let's get to skippin', young whipper-snappers. The big city awaits!” Luz said

Luz shuffles out of the frame, while Amity, Gus, Willow and Eda questioningly look at each other. The scene fades to a shot of the chasm, panning upward to show Luz, Amity, Gus, Willow and Eda walking down the long path to Omashu. The shot changes to an overview of the path while the camera pans down, before shifting to an upward panning shot of the back of the five to end with a center shot of the city.

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