Book 3 Chapter 13 The Firebending Master

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The episode opens with a shot of the sky from the Western Air Temple, and the camera pans below to Lilith and Luz standing on the balcony of an upside down pagoda in the temple.

"I know you're nervous, but remember, firebending in itself is not something to fear." Lilith said

(Cut to Luz, as she sighs heavily.) "Okay. Not something to fear." Luz said

(Cut to Lilith from behind Luz.) "But if you don't respect it," (She raises her voice, as the camera zooms to a close-up of her face.) "it'll chew you up and spit you out like an angry komodo rhino!" Lilith shouted

Cut to Luz's face, as she yelps in fear, before cutting back to Lilith.

"Now show me what you've got. Any amount of fire you can make." Lilith said

Cut to Luz, as she inhales nervously and tries to firebend. Cut to a close-up of her palm, as a small cloud of smoke appears, and is dissipated. Camera pans left to Luz.

"Maybe I need a little more instruction. Perhaps a demonstration?" Luz asked

(Cut to an aerial shot of them both.) "Good idea. You might wanna take a couple steps back." Lilith said

Luz walks back, and shot cuts to a close-up of Lilith's face, as she inhales deeply. Screen zooms back to show Lilith grunting, and cuts to her fist, which lets out a very small flame. Luz applauds at this display.

(Takes a step back.) "What was that? That was the worst firebending I've ever seen!" Lilith said

(Cut to Luz.) "I thought it was ... nice." Luz said (Smiles slightly and shrugs.)

Lilith grunts again and tries firebending again, with all three attempts resulting in very small flames similar to the first. She grunts and looks at her palms.

(Frustrated.) "Why is this happening?" Lilith asked in anger

(Rubbing her head, confused.) "Maybe it's the altitude." Luz said

(Turning back.) "Yeah, it could be." Lilith said

Scene changes to some pagodas and pans below to Luz sitting on a broken pillar and Lilith standing. Lilith attempts firebending, which results in a similar small flame again. She grunts and delivers another similar blast, as Luz yawns and lies down on the pillar.

"Just breathe, and ..." Lilith started (She delivers another blast with no improvement.)

(Gets up.) "That one kind of felt hot." Luz said

(Very angry.) "Don't patronize me! You know what it's supposed to look like!" Lilith shouted

"Sorry, Sifu Hotman." Luz said

(Raises her arms to her head, and throws them down back, and shouts in frustration, as Luz cringes.) "And stop calling me that!" Lilith shouted

Shot cuts to Willow walking toward the teacher and her pupil, eating an apple. Willow sits down near the two, as they turn their heads toward her.

"Hey, jerks! Mind if I watch you two jerks do your jerkbending?" Willow asked

(Frustrated.) "Get out of here!" Lilith shouted (She lashes her arm out and points to a side.)

"Okay, take it easy." (She drops her half-eaten apple.) "I was just kiddin' around." (She gets up and turns around, laughing as she adjusts her shirt.) "Jerkbending, still got it." Willow said (Lilith drops his head, dejected, and moans.)

Scene changes to an aerial shot of Appa resting near a fountain at night, and zooms to show him eating a small bale of hay. Screen pans to the right to show Lilith leaning on a column with her arms crossed, looking below and thinking deeply. She turns her head to the campfire where everyone is settled for dinner, and walks toward them.

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