Book 3 Chapter 15: The Boiling Rock, Part 2

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Amity's Intro

Water. Earth. Fire. Air.

Long ago, the four nations lived in harmony. Then, everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked. Only the Avatar, master of all four elements, could stop them, but when the world needed her most, she vanished. A hundred years passed, and me, Willow and Gus discovered the new Avatar, an airbender named Luz. and although her airbending skills are great, she has a lot to learn before she's ready to save anyone.

But I believe Luz can save the world.

The episode opens to the morning at the Boiling Rock, where an overhead shot of the volcano is seen. Cut to a view from some point in the boiling water, where the stronghold lies ahead. Cut to a view of the warden walking forward, toward the camera.

"Line 'em up for the warden!" a bodyguard shouted

Cut to an overhead shot of the perimeter on which they are standing, the warden's back facing the camera. Eight prisoners are seen filing in line, one next to the other, including Hakoda. Cut to the end of the line of prisoners where the last of them line up, the camera zooming out to show Hakoda, who stands at the very end of the line on the right side. Cut to Gus, who walks forward and lifts his guard mask.

"Dad ..." (Exiting a stairway and passing through a lineup of guards with Willow following behind, surprising them a bit.) "Excuse us, coming through. The warden wants us over there." (Points in the warden's direction.) "Sorry!" Gus said

Cut to an overhead shot of the perimeter, the prisoners lined up toward the right and the guards to the left of the screen. Gus and Willow are seen inching their way behind several guards, taller than them. The warden approaches the new prisoners.

(Walking past the line of prisoners starting from the left.) "Welcome to the Boiling Rock. I'm sure you've all heard the horrible rumors about our little island. Well, I just want to tell you that they don't have to be true, as long as you do everything I say." (He stops in front of Hakoda who looks downward, looks closer at Hakoda.) "Look me in the eye when I'm talking to you." the Warden said

(Averting his gaze slightly off to the side, firmly.) "No." Hakoda said

"Oh? You'd rather look at my shoes?" (Angrily.) "Then take a look!" the Warden shouted

He raises his left leg and drags Hakoda by his handcuffs down onto the floor. Cut to a side-view of Hakoda kneeling over, his face expressing anger. Cut to Gus and Willow standing behind two guards as they gasp in horror. Cut to a shot from below Hakoda, where the warden stands over him, keeping his foot firmly pressed on the warrior's handcuffs.

"I know exactly who you are, Hakoda of the Water Tribe. So strong-willed." (Cut to the warden's face.) "But don't worry, we'll get rid of that in time. Now look me in the eye!" the Warden said

Hakoda reluctantly lifts his head to look the warden in the eye and glares hatefully at him.

(Calmer.) "See, isn't that better?" (To the other prisoners.) "You will all do as I say or pay the price. You will all-" the Warden didn't finish

He begins to walk forward only for Hakoda to lift his left handcuff slightly, tripping the warden and causing him to fall flat on the ground. Gus and Willow stifle their chuckles, as the two guards they were standing behind rush to aid the warden.

(Standing over him.) "Are you okay, sir?" another bodyguard asked

(Rises and snaps angrily.) "I'm fine! Get these prisoners out of my sight!" the Warden commanded

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