Book 2 Chapter 12 The Serpent's Pass

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Amity's intro

Water. Earth. Fire. Air.

Long ago, the four nations lived together in harmony. Then, everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked. Only the Avatar, master of all four elements, could stop them, but when the world needed her most, she vanished. A hundred years passed, and me, Willow and Gus discovered the new Avatar, an airbender named Luz. And although her airbending skills are great, she has a lot to learn before she's ready to save anyone.

But I believe Luz can save the world

The team is situated at the waterfall pond. Willow and Eda are surveying a map. Boscha is sitting with her feet in the water, moving it back and forth. Camila is skipping rocks across the pond. Luz and Gus are swimming while Amity is located at the top of the lake near the waterfall. Luz goes underwater for a moment and bends an ice cube around herself for amusement.

(Excitedly.) “Dive bomb! Yeah!” Amity yelled (Jumps into the water.)

The splash sends Luz and Gus out of the water, breaks her ice prison, and soaks Willow, Eda, Camila, Boscha and the maps which Willow tried to protect.

“Even though your not a waterbender, that was quite the dive you made, Amity” Gus said

(Sarcastically.) “Sure, five thousand year-old maps from the spirit library. Just splash some water on 'em.” Willow said

“Sorry.” Amity said [Wrings her hair dry as Eda bends the water off the map.)

“So, did you figure out what route we're going to take?” Luz asked

“Okay, we just got out of the desert, so we must be around here. And we need to go to Ba Sing Se, which is here. It looks like the only passage connecting the south to the north is this sliver of land called the Serpent's Pass.” Willow said

“You sure that's the best way to go?” Boscha asked

“It's the only way. I mean, it's not like we have Appa to fly us there.” Willow said

(Quietly.) “Shush up about Appa. Can't you at least try to be sensitive?” Camila asked

“Mom, it's okay. I know I was upset about losing Appa before, but I just want to focus on getting to Ba Sing Se and telling the Earth King about the solar eclipse.” Luz said

(Surprised.) “Oh ... well, okay. I'm glad you're doing better.” Camila said

“Then to Ba Sing Se we go. No more distractions.” Eda said

Suddenly, three refugees arrive.

“Hello there, fellow refugees!” the first refugee said

“So, you guys are headed to Ba Sing Se, too?” Gus asked

“Sure are. I’m Than, and we're trying to get there before my wife Ying has her baby.” Than said

“Great! We can travel through the Serpent's Pass together.” Amity said

The three refugees look up in shock.

“The Serpent's Pass? Only the truly desperate take that deadly route!” Ying said

“Deadly route.” (Punches Willow in the arm.) “Great pick, Sokka!” Boscha said

“Well, we are desperate.” Willow said

“You should come with us to Full Moon Bay. Ferries take refugees across the lake. It's the fastest way to Ba Sing Se.” Than said

“And it's hidden, so the Fire Nation can't find it.” Ying said

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