Book 1 Chapter 19: The Siege of the North, Part 1

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Amity's intro

Water. Earth. Fire. Air.

Long ago, the four nations lived together in harmony. Then, everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked. Only the Avatar, master of all four elements, could stop them, but when the world needed her most, she vanished. A hundred years passed, and me, Willow and Gus discovered the new Avatar, an airbender named Luz. And although her airbending skills are great, she has a lot to learn before she's ready to save anyone.

But I believe Luz can save the world.

The episode opens under the water. The camera pans upward to sea level, and higher up into the city. The scene changes to where Gus is set to spar with a 17 year old boy named Sangok. He eyes his opponent with a look of determination. Sangok looks at him with a frightened expression on his face, shaking slightly. He summons a globule of water, freezes it into an iceball, and fires it at him. Gus, however, is quick to melt the ice ball and, turning around swiftly, bends a wave of water at him, which he proceeds to freeze, thus suspending Sangok in an icy trap.

(Displeased.) “Nice try, Pupil Sangok.” (Shows Sangok trying to break free.) “A couple of more years and you might be ready to fight a sea sponge.” (He unfreezes the ice, Sangok falls to the ground dazed.) “Would anyone care for a rematch with Gus?” (The scene cuts to several students sitting by the sidelines, the camera panning to the right showing all of them to be tired and unamused.) “Gus, you've advanced more quickly than any student I've ever trained.” (Cuts to a shot of Gus, who smiles brightly.) “You have proven that with fierce determination, passion and hard work, you can accomplish anything.” (Turns to Luz irritably.) “Raw talent alone is not enough.” (Cut to Luz who is lying on the ground with a lazy smile, floating King around on an airball above her as Amity was trying to make a small snowman.) “Pupil Luz!” Pakku shouted

(Stops bending at the sound of her name, King lands on her head.) “Yes, Master Pakku?” Luz asked

(Sarcastically.) “Care to step into the sparring circle? I figure since you've found time to play with house pets, you must have already mastered waterbending.” Pakku said

“I hope she did.” Eda said

(Jumps off the ground with airbending.) “I wouldn't say mastered, but check this out.” Luz said

She twists around, bending some snow around her to make a snowman of herself, which King knocks over making Amity let out a small chuckle. Cut to Gus, Eda and Pakku who wear similar expressions of disdain. Pakku shakes his head in disappointment, while Gus looks on in irritation, with Eda pinching the bridge of her nose annoyed. The scene changes to another part of the city where Willow and Loe are taking a walk along a bridge. Willow is walking along the top of the bridge's wall while balancing.

“So they don't have palaces in the Southern Tribe?” Loe asked

(Sitting down on the ledge.) “Are you kidding? I grew up in a block of ice. It's not exactly a cultural hub.” Willow said

(Laughs and places his hand on Willow's shoulder, when Willow smiles at him, he gets a little upset and looks at her seriously.) “Willow, this is wrong.” Loe said

(Protesting.) “What's wrong? We're taking a walk!” Willow said

(Unsurely.) “I'm engaged. It just feels …” Loe started saying

(Brightens.) “I know what you need.” (She hops off the rail to stand by his side.) “You need to meet my good friend, Appa.” Willow said

(Curiously.) “Who?” Loe asked

The scene changes to where the two approach the stables, where Appa is resting.

(Opening her arms out in enthusiasm.) “Appa and I go way back, don't we, boy?” (The thunder of Appa's shifting bulk is heard and Willow's features turn to surprise. Appa enters from the left and lands on top of her and licks her, much to Willow's dismay.) “Ah, ah, easy! Down boy! Agh! No, up!” Willow said in panic

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