Book 2 Chapter 19 The Guru

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Amity's intro

Water. Earth. Fire. Air.

Long ago, the four nations lived together in harmony. Then, everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked. Only the Avatar, master of all four elements, could stop them, but when the world needed her most, she vanished. A hundred years passed, and me, Willow and Gus discovered the new Avatar, an airbender named Luz. And although her airbending skills are great, she has a lot to learn before she's ready to save anyone.

But I believe Luz can save the world

The episode starts with a view of the exterior of Lilith and Kaldo's apartment. Cut to the interior. Kaldo is preparing food when Lilith awakens.

“What's that smell?” Lilith asked

“It's jook. I'm sure you wouldn't like it.” Kaldo said

(Sniffs.) “Actually, it smells delicious. I'd love a bowl, Kaldo.” Lilith said (Holds a bowl up.)

“Now that your fever is gone, you seem different somehow.” Kaldo said

(Optimistically.) “It's a new day. We've got a new apartment, new furniture, and today's the grand opening of your new tea shop.” (Moves to a table and sits.) “Things are looking up, Kaldo.” Lilith said (Starts drinking the jook. Kaldo's shocked expression changes to a smile.)

Luz, Gus, Willow and Camila fly on Appa to a Water Tribe camp, where Hakoda is.

“You haven't seen your dad in over two years. You must be so excited!” Luz said

(Almost throwing up.) “I know I should be, but I just feel sick to my stomach.” Gus said (Holds his stomach.)

“And he’s nervous.” Willow said

“Don't be nervous. He's going to be so happy to see you!” Camila said (She puts her hand on Gus' shoulder who smiles.)

“So what about you, Luz? Are you nervous to meet this guru?” Willow asked

“Not at all. I'm ready to master the Avatar State. I'll do whatever it takes.” (Gus and Willow gets off Appa.) “See you in a week. Yip yip!” Luz said

Luz, Camila and Appa fly away. Gus and Willow arrive at the camp, where all the warriors greet them warmly.

“Gus, Willow, good to see you.” a Water Tribe Warrior said

He looks and sees the main tent. Inside, Hakoda, Gus' father, is looking at a map with more warriors, including Bato, now with scars on his arm. Bato nudges Hakoda and Hakoda becomes happy upon seeing Gus.

“Gus.” Hakoda said

“Hi, Dad.” Gus said

The two embrace. Back at the Earth King's Royal Palace, the "Kyoshi Warriors", Kikimora, Lai, and Ky Mee in disguise, sit before the Earth King.

“Look Bosco! The Kyoshi Warriors are here to protect us! Aren't you excited?” (Bosco yawns.) “It's been a difficult week for me. My most trusted advisor, Long Feng, and his Dai Li agents tried to take control of Ba Sing Se from me.” the Earth King said

“It's terrible when you can't trust the people who are closest to you.” Kikimora said

(Pets Bosco.) “But there is good news. As we speak, the Council of Five is meeting to plan an invasion of the Fire Nation this summer, on the day of a solar eclipse.” the Earth King said

For a second, Kikimora's eyes slightly widen with shock and worry upon hearing this, but she quickly hides it.

“Really? Now that sounds like a fascinating and brilliant plan.” Kikimora said (Glances off as Lai and Ky Mee look at each other.)

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