Book 2 Chapter 15 The Tales of Ba Sing Se

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Amity's intro

Water. Earth. Fire. Air. 

Long ago, the four nations lived together in harmony. Then, everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked. Only the Avatar, master of all four elements, could stop them, but when the world needed her most, she vanished. A hundred years passed, and me, Willow and Gus discovered the new Avatar, an airbender named Luz. And although her airbending skills are great, she has a lot to learn before she's ready to save anyone. 

But I believe Luz can save the world

The Tale of Amity, Eda and Boscha

Scene fades to an exterior shot of Team Avatar's house. Shot cuts to a mirror, in front of which, Luz, who is holding standing in place, with Camila behind her brushing her hair with a hair brush. Camera pans left to show Willow in the mirror to show her hair is hanging below her shoulder, which she ties both into pigtails. She clicks her tongue. Camera pans left again to show Gus using Willow’s machete to shave some hair off of his lips and smiles while patting his lip. Camera pans left once more to show Amity in the mirror as she fixes together her ponytail. Once they are placed, she smiles and the shot cuts back to show the whole room, with them all in front of the mirror. Scene changes to a dark room, where Eda and Boscha lay on their beds, Boscha’s blanket sloppily lying over her and her hair in a mess. Light cuts through the darkness as the door opens, and Amity enters the room and gasps at the sight.

“Eda! Boscha! Aren't you gonna get ready for the day?” Amity asked

Boscha gets up, causing her messy hair to fly around. She spits on a nearby vessel which spins upon impact. Cut to Amity's face as she looks shocked, before cutting back to Boscha as she gets to her feet and brushes a large amount of dust off her sleeping dress.

“I'm ready.” Boscha said

(Sits up to stretch and yawns.) “You're not gonna wash up? You've got a little dirt on your ... everywhere, actually.” Eda said

“You call it dirt, I call it a healthy coating of earth!” Boscha said

“Hmm …” (Thinking.) “You know what we need? A girl's day out!” Amity said

“I could go for that.” Eda said

“Do I have to?!” Boscha asked

“It'll be fun!” Amity said

Cut to the outside of a large building, where Amity, Eda and Boscha stand near the entrance. Two women in robes walk out and smile at each other.

“The Fancy Lady Day Spa?” (Sarcastically.) “Sounds like my kinda place.” Boscha said

“Are you ready for some serious pampering?” Amity asked

“You know I am.” Eda said

“Sure, Amity, whatever you say. As long as they don't touch my feet.” Boscha said

The three girls walk inside the building. Cut to the inside of the building, where Amity and Eda sit smiling, having their feet scrubbed. Shot cuts again to a close-up of Boscha's dirt-filled foot as the attendant tries to scrape the massive amounts of dirt off her feet. Shot cuts to a close-up of Boscha's angry face.

Cut to a shot of a hallway inside the spa as suddenly an explosion erupts from one of the doorways, due to which, the frame becomes crumpled. An attendant flies out and hits the opposite wall, Boscha having earthbend out of annoyance. Scene changes to Amity, Eda and Boscha taking mud baths. An attendant with arms full of fresh towels walks over to Boscha. Cut to Boscha's face as she inhales air, and exhales, earthbending the mud on her face, creating a scary appearance, which scares the attendant, who runs away. Amity, Eda and Boscha laugh, as the mud around Boscha's mouth forms a large smile.

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