Book 3 Chapter 6: The Avatar and the Fire Emperor

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Amity's Intro

Water. Earth. Fire. Air.

Long ago, the four nations lived in harmony. Then, everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked. Only the Avatar, master of all four elements, could stop them, but when the world needed her most, she vanished. A hundred years passed, and me, Willow and Gus discovered the new Avatar, an airbender named Luz. and although her airbending skills are great, she has a lot to learn before she's ready to save anyone.

But I believe Luz can save the world.

The episode opens with Avatar Moku emerging from behind a small wall of fire, and is speaking to Luz in a dream.

"Luz, it's time you learn of my history with Fire Emperor Sozin." (Cut to a close-up of Luz's face in her dream, before cutting back to Moku.) "You need to understand how the war began, if you want to know how to end it." (Cut to an overhead shot of Moku's island.) "Meet me on my home island on the day of the summer solstice." Moku said

Scene changes to Luz, asleep, as she rolls over onto her side.

(Talking in her sleep.) "Okay, Moku." Luz said

Scene changes to Lilith, who is asleep as well, as sounds of footsteps wake her up, and she rushes to the hall to investigate. She opens the door, and sees a cloaked individual walk down the hall and disappear. Lilith begins to go after the individual, but notices a scroll lying on the floor. A surprised Lilith picks up the scroll and reads it.

(Reading the scroll.) "You need to know the story of Belos' grandfather's demise. It will reveal your own destiny." Lilith said (She closes the scroll, and stares down the hallway.)

Shot cuts to a view from the opposite end of the hallway. Lilith is still standing outside her bedroom. Scene changes to a blue, cloud filled sky. A very large cloud moves quickly forward. Cut to the inside of the cloud, as Luz, standing on Appa's head, bends the elements around the bison to create a cloud, to camouflage. Amity, Gus, Willow, Eda, Camila and Willow look over Appa's saddle for a better look.

"There it is. That's Moku's home." Luz said

Cut to an overhead shot of the island, as Appa lands. Cut to a shot of Team Avatar descending from Appa.

(Confused.) "But, there's nothing here." Amity said

Boscha jumps from Appa's saddle, as her feet touch the ground.

"Yes, there is. An entire village, hundreds of houses ..." (A strong breeze moves a layer of ash along the ground, brushing past their feet.) "all completely buried in ash." Boscha said

The scene changes to an overhead of Hari Bulkan. Cut to a hall, full of paintings of previous Fire Emperors. Lilith stands before one of the portraits, as Kikimora passes by Lilith.

"It's never too early for a sitting with the court painter, Lilith. Make sure he gets your good side." Kikimora said

"Wait, I need to ask you something." (Kikimora stops walking.) "What do you remember about Belos' grandfather's history?" Lilith asked

(She sighs.) "Oh, LIlith, it's so strange how your mind works." (Cut to an overhead shot of the hall, as Kikimora tells Lilith about Sozin's history.) "Fire Emperor Sozin began the war, of course." (Cut to Fire Emperor Sozin's portrait, as it pans from the bottom to the top.) "He spent his early years secretly preparing for it. He was as patient as he was clever. He famously waited for the comet, later renamed Sozin's Comet, and used its power to launch his full-scale invasion of the world." (Cut back to Lilith and Kikimora.) "In the end, he died a very old and successful man." Kikimora said

"But how did he die?" Lilith asked

(Turning toward Lilith.) "Didn't you pay any attention in school, Lilith? He died peacefully, in his sleep." (Cut to a shot of the full room, as Kikimora walks away.) "He was ancient." Kikimora said

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