Chapter 37 Reasons

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He smiled  " Come ,see the cubs and pups!" He chuckled holding each of them for a moment  Huan stood proudly pulling me into a hug.  " Will the others be alright?" Yes ,daughter and your problem will resolve itself! He said ,while looking at Ayame.

" What ,sort of wolf demon are you?" Ayame, he is Beast Diety of Beastworld Continent! " Where is that?" He's,from another world! She gasps blushing " But how did you call him?"  She, is my daughter young one !

After the initial shock wore off "But ,she smells human!"  She, is my decendant ,her predecessor was a strong beautiful woman I miss her ,she reminds me of her!
I hug him " I hope, that doesn't bring you pain!" No, no, it brings me joy! I smiled as a loud BOOM,CRACK ,FWOOM! we stood there covering the little ones ,smoke and flames burn a path through the forest past the front of us.

After a, few minutes of coughing, and  shielding the little ones I turn hearing " Jessica, mate!" I am caught ,in hugs and passed around  " Are, any of you  injured?"  It'll ,heal fast don't worry! "Inuyasha, I know but at least wash the wound out!" He frowns " Please!" He kissed my cheek and goes to the river then I am once again surprised with a hug " Koga, thank you again!" Hugging him back he kissed my cheek.

" Hakakku thank you!" I said, as I hugged a shy wolf . " Koga ,Ayame wants,your help but father Diety ,says the matter will resolve itself!" That's ,not for you to tell him! She huffed "Ayame ,I didn't want to assume ,anything either way ,regarding your relationship or offend you so!"

I turn to walk off when ,I'm pulled into a deep kiss " Damn wolf!" Inuyasha growls. I return the kiss, as his hand trailed under my shirt, caressing my curves, breaking for air " Koga!" Ayame, I told you before I had Kagome ,but I have fallen in love!

" You do Koga?" I ask with a smile he whispered in my ear ... Can I have you now? He chuckled nibbling my ear. I giggled "Not now, but after I'm healed!" He smirks and he and Inuyasha grumble, I kiss Inuyasha " I love all of you!"

I gave kisses to Inuyasha, Sesshomarou, Taisho, Jin Kai, and Huan who all have a happy heart now holding my pups I nurse them ,and then the cubs I noticed they have all grown fast " They should shift soon!" I look at him with  sweet eyes, he chuckled "Soon daughter!"

Who are you? " Oh ,Taisho this is Beast Diety, my ancestor aren't I father Diety?" He grins.. My, daughter I am proud of you!
They walk off talking ,and Jin Kai hugs me looking, at our cub make faces as she grips his claw .

I see Ayame, is pissed but it seems Koga, got the point across she come over "My grandfather, needs Koga to strengthen the clan!" I thought for a few minutes... " But if Koga, isn't happy then you can't force him to be, we can still support and help the clan by helping you find mates also they may be beastmen not yokai but also I see, no problem being friends as long ,as we respect boundaries!"

I only ,want one strong man KOGA! She yelled angrily, and my cubs began to cry "Ayame , I too have had to give up, a good man because he changed his mind, so don't think you are the only female, to ever have been disappointed!"

She took off angrily as I sigh " Should ,we go to the village ,and see if the others ,came through with Ko?" Inuyasha ,pulled me into a kiss then peppered ,my neck I captured his lips as ,he stops smirking " Yeah let's go, check then we should search, for  jewel shards!"

" I will see you again soon daughter!" I wave as he disappeared the mist.  Taisho pulled me into a hug " Don't worry, my love I will always stay with you!" I look at him curiously.. What did,you two talk about are, you worried about something? He took a deep breath  " Izayoi is back !" I thought, you weren't happy together in the afterlife?
" We were not, but she has other reasons ,after she learned of the pup!"

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