Chapter 16 Shocked!

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" A gift?" There, is a gift there go find it! A moment of silence ... I giggled.. Thank you for all the gifts ! He chuckled as we got quiet " Can you give, me any clues as to how to find my gift?" He look as me with his mischievous grin I thought he was going to but " No, but you will like it!" 

So after a chat and some laughs I sat on Chase's beast form as he opened the portal we walked out into the woods of Saratoga a hand took mind as Chase continued to carry me in his beast form I look and I am surprised so I think to myself  " Inuyasha ,what I thought he would stick with Kagome!" I look back as I see her .

" Kagome come here !" She came over with the others "After we get through here, I can take you guys, to meet someone a girl like us in Beastworld her name is QingQing, she has two mates Curtis a tetra marked snake beastmen, and Parker the Leopard Kings son!"

Tetra marked? "Miroku ,tetra marked is the four stripes! Like, Winston has they overcome difficulties, and life hardships then they appear as a sign of strength!"

Winston, came over "See his marks,Winston is also a prince he is brother to tiger King!"  So,how did you all end up in my world? I asked while passing by some bodies and trying not to smell the disaster then I hear a groaning  "Help, please! " Chase, take me to him! He looks back reluctantly but does anyway.

" What ,did this to all of you?"  There were seven of them one carries a scythe but it's not normal, one man possessed the other and the woman sprouted wings, then there was a humongous heap of a beast! He coughs, then this man spewed some kind of mist that intoxicated everyone, and then the leader has a tail that struck lightning when he hit the ground, his eyes were hypnotic and could .. he took a breath.

" Is William Ransom here?"  No, mam his post was at the camp! "How bad are you hurt?"  My leg, and my side! "I can help you, but you have to help us and keep quiet!" He nods looking around in surprise.

I gave him a emerald " This will heal you!"  Miroku helped Inuyasha get him on his back "Which way is your camp?" He points in the opposite direction we went around and some trees across a few big hills and its in sight as we approach two soldiers came over.

" Hello officers,we found your man wounded we treated him !" Madam, many thanks to you!  They froze realizing I'm on the back of a huge Leopard " Don't worry ,this is Chase he's a sweetheart ,unless I'm attacked! I giggled.

You ,certainly are full of surprises! "Oh we ,are friends of William Ransom is he available to talk with us?" They look ,at each other with smirks as one of them runs off.

After a few minutes of the man ogling with a grin " Jessica!" He ran over and I got off hugging him " I have been worried my dear!" I thought to myself " Well ,I guess he didn't mean to just stay friends! I kissed his cheek.

Let's ,go somewhere and talk!
Ian walked over Hello again!
" Good to see you Ian!" Willie, listen can you predict where that group of seven will strike again? Is there a pattern? " Yes, anywhere there are beautiful young women, they seem to be looking for one! I nod.

Well,I found my surprise sort of! I giggled. " What do you mean?"  Beast Diety, sent me to find my surprise so I'm the one their leader wants! "Stay the night, they should attack here since I see you have two friends with you!" I look at them " Yeah I think so Willie!" He chuckled.

I have fond memories of being called Willie! I smiled "Let's keep, making memories then!" He pulled me into a gentle kiss blushingly. I hear the sound of a throat clearing  " Ransom, commander needs you!"
Wait here wife! His man looks at me " Like ,wow really!" I hug Chase " Love stay ,in your beast form since they saw you this way for now!" I hug him as he licks my neck. Madam ,we can't allow that beast into our camp! " That's fine, Officer we camp out here!"  He looks shocked.

Me, Oni King, and 1700's What's a Lady to Do?Where stories live. Discover now