Chapter 35 Stop Them!

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After awhile, not only one of my brothers but all for also my nieces came pulling in I stood and go over " Aunt Jess!" I got hugs .
I know you've, been bad Montana you have that look! " I wouldn't be me if I wasn't a little bad! She playfully winked.

Taisho came out " These are my nieces and my brothers!" Eventually everyone was introduced "Montana was wearing  camo pants ,and  a tank top then my Paige ,Kaci ,Ren and Little Ian are playing  " Jin Kai, can we take Dakota?" He chuckled  Of course love! " Yeah I need to get to the job site ! He passed the address as Ian came over Nen went too.

Light ,surrounded us we blink our eyes " You okay nodhead?" Yes, wilderbeast I'm good! Jin ,and  Nen  laugh, We walk down a road that seems to be in the right direction,  and another worker walks past so we follow a ways and into a building where he registered  " Ye made it early I like that!" The supervisor said as a  homely cubby lady, with a sweet smile came over taking my hand and gasping " Ye  are from different worlds!"  I nod without saying much but I smiled.

What is your name mam? Mrs Oglesby " Please look, out for my brother make sure, he eats and calls my momma?" She giggled with a smile but looks concerned  " How are ye bairnes?" They are well I left to come with him, do you know something? I asked curiously.

Something, wants your children be wary! " Thank you,  and be blessed I will visit again!" Hugging my brother we left getting back .
" Nen what do you make of that?" Hmm, love we should be cautious maybe post guards! " That, is a good thought!"

" Jin Kai!" He pulls me to his side with his arm around my waist "Love , Kagome wants to go home , can we take her straight, there or do we have to go through the well?" Hmm ,that's a good question! We can ,try once if we kicked back here, then we will have to use the well!

As we got back to the house a few of Darren's, other friends came over so I quietly hug Darren's back he pulled me around into a hug "This is Jessica!" One of them nodded ,but none of them spoke to me the tall auburn haired guy "You weren't ,invited to our conversation ,get lost and stay away!"

What ,the hell is your problem man? " Excuse me ,this is my Mommas place we live here and he does too!" I just went inside with the pups, and cubs and lay down ,on the bed I just snuggle , my babies and go to sleep.

The sound of fists, and banging startled me awake as I got up I take a look ,at my little ones  I look out the window " Don't, you talk about her that way!" Miroku,  annoyed with his friends pulls Darren ,back and Inuyasha ran forward  " You are lucky, those punches were his cause now, I'll sharpen my claws on you!" I climb out the window  INUYASHA baby,don't kill them there ignorant and don't know, or care who I am they just don't want me around! " My love, they made vile insults against you!"

Why do you all dislike me so much? Is is it because Marcy made rumors and stuff ? " You murdering bitch!" Murderer? Man, I haven't killed anyone around here! " Around here?"

Nobody human, so anybody you know, is safe from murder on my account! " Marcy's, father came back where is Uncle Rocco? "Do you have a picture?" He shoves his phone in my face " Oh yeah, I met him once he came to threaten me here, and yes I know ,where he is no he isn't dead!"

"Prince Alistir!" He grins " Do you think you can show them to his Uncle Rocco and, come back with them later? Hmm, my treasure what is my reward? I kiss him as this arms pull me close.

He took them as I sigh , I hug Inuyasha, Darren, and Miroku "Thank you, all for defending me!"
" Oh, earlier , when we took  my brother there was a lady, she said someone wants our children to be wary!" It really worried me! And then I freaked as I saw

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