Chapter 9 Dinner!

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We got cleaned up and we're about to leave his room when, purple glowing light encased the door , floating sigils appear when he pushes me behind him as the door explodes into splinters and dust.

A huge yokai walks in and his boss behind much smaller in size but still a big guy " What do you want?" Be,quiet mate! The guy in a robe sporting fox ears, a tail chuckled darkly " You female ,will be my mate!"

Uh dude, last time I checked the rules I have to accept you foxy, and you haven't asked just ordered! I snapped ,at this over confident ass.

He smirks, with a flirting chuckle
" Master, should I kill him?" Listen here you "Big meat headed fart, you ain't killing none if my mates a fair fight maybe but no killing asshole!"

The fox laughs and the guy pouts " Master that's not funny !" He growls with big tears... Wow ,I hurt your feelings would you really go through with it big guy? And, what's with the dramatics why not just knock on the door?

" Master Hiro, lord of the North doesn't ask for what belongs to him!" I ,belong to him? I giggled "Big one, is that how your supposed to treat your masters mate?"

Forgive me mate, for not being more polite but Jin here would never have let me in! "Hiro is it, maybe you should meet with all the others like Jin Kai did?

He snickered " Let's go then!" I look back with a little sass and roll my eyes the "big one " growls.
Gorman " Yes Master!" He stops so Jin and I look back a cheerful Hiro, was not there but an angry yokai " Don't ,ever growl at your lady again!" Perhaps, I should take a limb?

He dropped to his knees " Hiro, don't do this to Gorman please?" I rush to his side "Please!" I hug him as he calms, blushing he returned it as his tail tickles my legs.

So we eventually got home " Nen!" He turns as he sees Hiro and Gorman pulling me into a hug.
Hello old friend! " Hmph, Hiro you abandoned us when in a battle !" He growls.

Gramps ,summoned me I had no choice! Nen is looking very perturbed over his arrival but...
" We are not ,going to battle here at her mother's home behave!"

I look at Hiro with his toothy grin.
"Well come ,in and meet everyone so they sat in the living room "Um everyone this is Lord Hiro, and his man Gorman! " They went around exchanging names " What are you alone of a territory a manor ? I smile at William "I am lord of the northern lands!"

William, is also a Lord " Hiro!" He grins. I go and fix myself a plate since Momma has served the others and sat with Claire and Jenny at the table so I sat with them.

So what happened out there? "Well, when we first went outside Jin Kai brother Ko came by with a bunch of demonesses because he didn't think I was worthy so one of them, attacked me and of course, he intervened!

He, took me to his home for awhile and then Lord Hiro shows up with Gormon! " Never a dull moment!" Not really Jenny! I giggled. I continue to enjoy my dinner when there is a knock at the door my brother Jeremy opened " Hello!" Yes ,the human female with the Oni King she is here?

He looks carefully "Are ,you from yokai realm?" No ,human I am from Beastworld ! I stood and walk over a man with cat ears and a tail and strange tattoo " Hello I am Jessica!"

He blushingly says "I am from the council of the Beast Diety we ask that you take mates from our Continent?" Um I,think this requires us to talk and understand each other better so please come in and eat dinner with us! " What is your name?" Chase!

I notice he is blushing at me "Come sit ,at the table Chase let's talk!" I know I have alot to learn, about your world but to my understanding.... um well nevermind!" Why was I requested? He smiled " Because, the Diety has chosen you as his daughter to help the beasts!
" You certainly are in high demand!" Claire ,says shaking her head I giggled.

Hiro Lord of the North

Gorman Oger and Northern Warrior

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Gorman Oger and Northern Warrior

Ko an Incubus and brother to Jin Kai

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Ko an Incubus and brother to Jin Kai

Chase Beastman from Beast Diety  council

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Chase Beastman from Beast Diety council

I created these characters with  ai and of course I do not own any  of the Outlander characters or music ;)!

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I created these characters with ai and of course I do not own any of the Outlander characters or music ;)!

Me, Oni King, and 1700's What's a Lady to Do?Where stories live. Discover now