Chapter 4 Are you sure ?

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I look  I have something to tell you both um "I know stories about you, and to the best of my memory your grandson Jemmy gets kidnapped and brought back through the stones then Roger is supposed to come to find him so be on the lookout!"

And you all be safe ,we have to go back and sort out the suitors fighting for me situation! Nen chuckled " I'm afraid that will be a frequent occurrence!" He has a toothy grin.

" Wait when does that happen well actually right after the first battle but I am not sure exactly when I know that Brianna and  Roger purchased Lallybroch and are restoring it! So ,he is most likely close to the stones of Craig na Dun in Scotland !

Nen Bo, can we help them get there? " Come on, they miss their family! " Alright but we go back home ,and you accept  Jin Kai the incubus first who tossed you here!

" Okay ,are you all ready?" Jamie gulps. Lass ,I am not sure any man is ready for this! I giggled.
" I honestly ,can say I do understand!" Oh ,William bring your horse just hold the reins and stand in a circle with us!

As ,the light and red smoke surrounded we look up in the throne room they walk in with us " Jessica may I get you anything? " Yes Mai ,and get all my friends here a drink too! She moved swiftly with he cute bunny ears she had really tried to be my friend here while many others despise me!

I go over to the men who were fighting " I am Jessica!" A white haired wolf eared guy turns around " I am Sen!" The red haired red eyed fellow  "I am Jin Kai!" The green haired guy " I am Huan!" I nod " Okay I accept you, but I want you all to prove you can get along and help me and my friends here!"

" Jin I know ,you sent me through the portal take us to Craig na Dun in Scotland please?"  He grins.
I look at him and he laid claim to my lips breaking for air a light surrounded the throne room and we were there " We are looking, for Jemmy so a boy who was born in this era and came back through!

I see Claire , Jamie and Ian look for clues as they yell . " Sen sniffs around as he came upon a candy on the ground " Mate come here!" I ride the horse over " Candy wrapper this way!" I yelled as I pass it to Jamie, Claire nods as we continued in that direction.

We went for a few miles through the paths and then I hear a whimper I got down and look while the others are scattered around " Jemmy are you here?"

No you crazy woman! I look at this man "Are ,you sure you are wearing modern clothes?"  Where is the little boy ? " Sen!" He growls at this man smell around for the boy!

This man is sweating bullets "Alright lassy ,the boy I sent to Lallybroch!" Thank you, for your cooperation, but why did you take him from Brianna and Roger?

" I miss my son ,and I wasn't sure if I could use him as a bargaining chip I am trying to get back!" I nod. Are your trying to get to America? " Yes!" Well let's, get to Lallybroch then we will send you!

I feign believing this man, as Jamie came around with him " Granda!" Well, it seems you sent him and he didn't make it or you didn't want to lose your bargaining chip so tell me what your after!

" I told you I wanted to go home what state are you from?" He got quiet " Jin send him there ,and I think  they would like to visit  Lallybroch! Am I right? I hear this guy  yell as he was hurled in. " So what do you say? " Lass ,I dinna know how they will take it!

That's okay if we scare them I can sit outside the gates with Nen Bo, and the others! " Thank you truly!" I smiled at Claire.  Are you a fairy? " Aww how sweet of you, but no little buddy I'm a human my husband's aren't but they are nice too! "Are you sure?" I giggled.

Me, Oni King, and 1700's What's a Lady to Do?Where stories live. Discover now