Chapter 36 Can you?

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I see three yokai ,dashing off "Our pups and cubs!" I cried out ,I summon chi and ran Taisho grabs me as he leapt through this black portal , I look around I see half of my mates made it through, and Koga , Ginta, and Hakakku " I thought maybe they just want to go home .

I took ,deep breaths in attempt to focus on finding them as involuntary tears drip, on the other side ,of the swirling darkness was a forest , a hand took mine " We ,will help find them!"
Thank you Koga ! He nods ,with a slight blush .

My mates all ran, in the direction of smoke we came to a yokai village ,holding onto Inuyasha's back I get off ,and stand next to him a female cat demon smirks " "Well, the dogs drug up the trash!"  Fuck You ,don't you mean, the cat stepped in shit! "Give us, our pups and cubs back!"

Human, you have a death wish I will grant it soon! " Go fuck, yourself you do it better anyway!"
As if a reflex , I duck spinning around ,as I hit this dude hard with chi fist he skid back into his comrade " Why, did you kidnap our pups and cubs?"

A fight broke out , I ran inside to get my babies I quickly found them I turn and see Ginta " Let's hurry,  we both took a pup ,and a cub running outside Huan ran ran over and took two while  Ginta and I bring the other two running into the forest with Ginta we find a cave and stop " She's crying!"  Keep watch, I'll nurse them!

He sat turned as they began to  suckle , after  a few minutes ,they had their fill so I lay they on my lap ,as I fix my breasts in my bra and shirt "Ginta you can look now!"

He came over to me and sat " Hey um ,thank you for helping me, its very sweet of you all!" Jessica, we wanted to help you!  "I hear, something so I got my pup and , Ginta ,took my cub and we turned to run ,I hear laughing a little, further ahead I see " Huan!"  I see a female is laughing as we got closer " You dare, ask me for help  when you refuse to be mine !" He already, has a mate we just need, a place to rest until the others catch up!

" A ,human how pathetic!" Huan ,we don't need her let's just go ahead! He ,flew down and we left together while that, prejudice hussy laughs . We ran ahead to the rivers bend and sit by  the tree we all sat " Huan, I'll nurse them!" I sat relaxing as both my cub,and pup had there fill!I lay them on my lap while  Ginta holds the other two.

Come, sit with me Ginta! He sat I take his hand and Huans " Which of you want, to watch the little ones I need to pee, and I'm still bleeding, a bit from the birth!"

Ginta blushed "I will take you, in the cave go in the water, it will wash downstream!" You have to be my eyes until they adjust! He was beside me so I held his arm .

Getting to the stream I step in the edge of the water and pee really regretting the no toilet paper, or pads, I pull up my pants and he takes my hand ,getting back outside he turns my hand loose blushing and sits ,so I sit in his lap " Is this okay with you?" Huan looks over and ... It's alright she's tired! laying there I fell asleep.

Later on, I wake up he blushed when our eyes met I sat up I kissed his cheek " Thank you!"
Should we,go or stay and wait for the others?

I began to stand and wind suddenly knocks me back  " Ginta, where is Koga?" Ayame ,he is in a battle, and we are waiting on him and the others ! " Oh ,what are we supposed to do now?" Is,there something we can help you with?

" Your human I doubt it!" How, about we ask, Beast Diety for  help? " Going ,to a shrine won't help!" We ,don't have to go to a shrine! I rub the mark " Hello daughter, I go over and hug his beast as he chuckle shifting putting on his hides " Can you help us father Diety?"

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