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“ Always try to spend time with kids because they have  pure heart and soul “


Three days has passed by , since Liam  was discharged from the hospital . At first I wanted to pay the hospital expenses but Stuart kept on insisting that he will pay and finally I agreed to him . May be his fatherly instinct made him do that .

While taking Liam back to home , Stuart came with us in our home and spent a few hours with us . He is just like the same that he was six years before . No matter how strong he may show to the outside world , he is still that softy deep inside . When he was playing with Liam , a smile always crept in my lips and it kind of gave me a relief that finally Liam’s crave for his father is fulfilled and finally we are complete .

Wait a second !!! Is I am again falling for Stuart ? I don’t know  but the emotions in me tells  that only .

It can be true , as deep in my heart I still love him and can’t think to love anyone else other than him and Liam .

But , what about him ? Does he still has that old  love that he was having towards  me or it’s just one sided . I know he don’t hate me as he still wears that wrist band as the symbol of our love and he do still cares for me as it was evident in the hospital but still , does he has anything left in his heart for me ? I don’t know .

But , that day Daisy revealed the truth about Stuart still loving me , I will wait and  let him express what he feels about me .

Present day …

After Liam was discharged from the hospital , doctors prescribed that Liam should take 7 days rest before joining the school . But here , I have work , I cannot take seven days leave from that  . I was not willing to leave my son in the house all alone as no one was there to look after him and I don’t have anyone who can look after my son in my absence .

So finally I decided to call Daisy .

“ Hey , Daisy “ I spoke . “ Yes Pearl . How is the little warrior ? “ she asked clearly indicating Liam . “ He is fine . Daisy I need a favour , I know it is absurd but still “ I asked . “ Yes go on “ she asked .

“ Can I bring Liam with me while I am working ? The doctor suggested seven days rest and I don’t have anyone who can look after him . He will just stay quite and will not disturb anyone in the outlet , I promise “ I asked hoping that she will agree .

“ Don’t worry Pearl . He is welcome anytime “ she replied . I was amazed that how she considers Liam as her own .

“ Thanks Daisy “ I replied and hung up the call .

As soon as I hung up the call , “ Mommy are we going to somewhere ? “ he asked . “ Yes , a new place . Pack your toys and drawing stuffs . We will be going in 10 minutes “ I replied . As soon as I spoke those words , Liam’s eyes glittered with happiness  and he ran inside the bed room to pack his stuffs  .

After 40 minutes …

   We ( I and my son ) are standing outside the big outlet of the McAndrew’s .
“ Mommy are we going to have a lunch here ? “ he asked . “ No , you are not well “ I shot back . “ Mommyyyyyy “ he said with a sad tone and making puppy face to me .

“ Don’t make that face Liam , I am not buying anything and moreover , I will be working here . So you will just stay quite and will not disturb others . Promise ? “ I  asked . “ Okay promise “ he replied while rolling his eyes .

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