He then silently sat next to him while looking up towards the sky.

"How is Aylin doing?"

He asked hoping the silence would break. Even though he got a one word reply he couldn't ask for more.


Hawk's eyes were suddenly wide open when he felt a movement in the room.

He got up immediately to look towards that man who was standing next to the window watching the prince talking to the girls.

Hawk did not ask but walked towards the window to see what was going on, he did not expect to smile at the sight of that mess.

"You should go to bed"

The first prince said.

"We're having a girls night"

Mary shouted.

"Shhhh, they will hear you"

Her sister whispered.

"He is right! Let's go back inside"

Luna as she dragged the two younger girls with her then looked back at Larica.

"Help me out"

As Mary and Alma tried to resist.

Larica giggled quietly before she ran towards them leaving Ida behind alone.

"May I stay?"

She whispered with all of her innocence put into those eyes.

He blushed smiling as he whispered back.


Ivor's dark circles only got worse by each passing sleepless night.

He heard a knocking on his workroom's door and since it was very late he couldn't guess who might some see him.

The king stepped in and Ivor stood up for him.

"Your majesty"

His tired voice said.

Leo sat down on the other chair as he pointed on Ivor's one asking him so have a seat.

The advisor did so.

"Venator will not come back, I need the other four to leave their positions and come back to the palace"

The king's words made Ivor unable of controlling his facial expression.

This time his face said it all, he was disappointed.

"Yes your majesty"

Ivor replied.

"How's Louis's training going?"

Leo asked.

Ivor got his fake smile back as he replied.

"Prince Louis is doing so well, he even won again the general"

The king smiled for a second before he got his straight face back on.

"So he is just like the last man standing"

Leo said referring to his advisor since that was what they used to call him.

"I am not that man anymore your majesty"

Ivor said still smiling.

"Do you want to prove me wrong? Fight me"

The king as he stood up.

"You majesty I.."

His words were interrupted by Leo,

"That is an order, the throne room get your sword and come"

Were the king's last words before he left that room.

"Where was my sword again?"

Ivor said as his eyes wondered around the room.

Leo was sitting on his throne staring at that door waiting for his advisor to walk in.

He had his father's sword between his hands.

Once he heard those footsteps approaching he took his cape off and put his crown away as he stepped down those five stairs.

The door opened and Ivor walked in.

Each one of them stepped forwards until they felt that the distance between them was right.

"You look pathetic, I bet I can win this time"

The king said smirking.

He then ran towards Ivor swinging his sword aiming to take down that man, the one man who was never defeated before....

The Good KingWhere stories live. Discover now