'Obey Me'

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"Are you alright ?"

Ida asked Referring to the prince's injuries , even his face had some cuts and his arm was not even fully healed.

'Aylin did not go easy on me' he thought to himself but replied smiling,

"I'm alright do not worry"

"Did you apply an ointment ?"

She asked.

Elmer forgot to even use the one Clair asked him to apply on his injury everyday so of course he would not care much about those small cuts.

"I will go get mine"

Ida said as she got up.

The first prince immediately stopped her by grabbing her hand.

She turned back to look into those ocean eyes that were looking back at her but those stares turned away as they both blushed when they realized what was going on.

Elmer let go of her hand as he said,

"You can get it for me tomorrow"


She replied.

It was a beautiful night in the palace , as they sat few feet away from each other right by the fountain watching the stars , trying to brush their embarrassment off but it could not just go away.

"Aren't you spending so much time in here ?"

Louis asked.

He walked into his room to find Aylin sitting on his bed reading another book.

Her Lydian has definitely improved so much lately because of those new words he explained to her.

"Should I not come ?"

She wondered.

"I did not say that"

Louis said as he sat down on the chair with the same old notebook in his hands , he had all of his plans written in there but not with simple words and letters it was something that he is the only one capable of reading.

He was glad that even though Elmer was busy he still writes to Elina every week just to make Leo believe he's controlling him.

Venator was in Louis's hands but Leo did not really ask for him since then and so the second prince believed that he has no value for them right now.

He still needed someone to keep an eye on Leo , like having his advisor Ivor in hands was not near enough because he knows his father very well.

"Today was so much fun"

Ezra said to Asher who replied.

"I already have an idea of the ones that will succeed"

"Right ? I thought so too"

He replied.

After a few moments of silence

"Did you talk to Ivor ?"

Asher asked.

"Not since then , why ?"

Ezra wondered.

"Did he send Petra's letter ?"

Asher asked.

Seems like he is still worried about it especially that Aylin is involved.

"I believe he did"

Ezra replied.

"You trust everyone don't you ?"

Asher sighed complaining.

"I just can read people's eyes"

Ezra jokingly said.

"You can ?"

Asher asked

"Yes and yours says that you want to murder someone"

Ezra said referring to Asher's fierce eyes.

But the red haired guy was not even bothered about it , he indeed smiled slightly and kept walking forward.

Ida walked inside her room and sat on the bed , she smiled brightly as her heart was still racing , a knocking on her door woke her up from the happy magical world she was drown in.

She got up and opened it , Ida was speechless when she saw a knight at her door and was shocked after hearing his words...

"The king asks for you"

He said as he asked her to follow him.

She was scared as if that happy feeling she just lived never existed , her hands were slightly shaking but of course she had no escape and just had to do as asked from her...

Clair who was going to the bathroom saw the knight taking Ida away and not only her curiosity that led her to follow them but also the second prince.

When he asked her to bring someone that she truly trusts he the asked for their help which was...

"Please keep an eye on the king's property"

He said.

"The girls ? Why is that ?"

Violet wondered.

Louis had his doubts , he just had a feeling that his father might be using them as spies but he had no prove to it and those times he only follows the voice inside him.

He did not explain anything but Clair replied at the time...

"Yes we will my prince"

She followed them with keeping her distance in order not to be seen or suspected.

And she could not wait to inform her prince of where the knight led her , it was Leo's chamber.

The door closed and Ida was left alone with the king who was laying in his bed.

"Ida , was it ?"

He then said as he got up.

The girl was frozen , she could not move or speak while she had no idea what he might do to her.

He walked towards her , Leo was so close , touched her hair , looked into her scared eyes , he was not interested and could not tell what Elmer saw in her.

"I believe you are smart and that you will obey your king's words right Ida ?"

He whispered in her ear.

"And if not I will not only kill you but I will send him to hell with you , I mean Elmer"

His smile was pure evil while her face turned from expressionless to worried , Ida wished to die there instead of obeying that man's orders but she would not let her favorite chess piece die at all costs because for her Elmer is precious.

"We did not find him sir"

A Lydian knight to his commender.

"Keep searching !"

He yelled replying.

Seems like they were trying to find Hawk's body but that river's end would go way beyond Oaisos and they can not possibly find him even if they spend months searching.

For some of them it was a waste of time that man can not survive at all or can he ?

She was very pretty to the eye ... but she could not smile at all , she was another caged bird , the girl who found that body in the river...

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