•Part 31 - POIGNANT •

Beginne am Anfang

Y/d : Ok! Thank you Taehyung. You're a good boy.

He was still staring at me blankly, but I knew that he understood what I had meant.

Y/d : You can go.

And at that sentence, his face turned in pure horror. I realised, how would he go back when he has told about his father here? He must not be liking what his dad is doing either, or he wouldn't have told us. He's still so delicate, moldable .

Y/d : Your dad is going to be with us for a long time, so don't worry.

Taehyung: Is dad really bad?

Y/d : Yes. But you are not , are you?

He looked away, thinking to himself. I looked at his glittering eyes.

Y/d : I know you are not , Taehyung.

I put a hand on his shoulder and he smiled slightly at me.

Y/d : Bye.

Taehyung: B-Bye..

~End of Flashback~

I refrained myself from saying anything further about it.

Y/d : Are you in contact with your father now?

Taehyung: No. He barely ever comes home. Once in a couple of months. But he pays my school fees. That's all.

Y/d : Ok. Do you have any idea how his business is run.

Taehyung: No. I'm glad I don't. The last time I worked for him was seven years ago, and things have surely changed in his work.

Y/d : And about your mother, is she in contact with you?

Taehyung: She tries, but I don't want to keep any contact with her. I don't think she knows anything about his work either.

I went through the files, of his phone call history, to his past criminal records, everything.

Y/d : Alright. Your answers justify all of the proofs we have. Thank you.

Y/d : But I have one question.. Why do you hide your identity?

He chuckled.

Taehyung: Is that seriously a question?

Y/d : I mean, you are not associated with your father's work at all. Then why?

Taehyung: Because I don't want others to get hurt. I'm used to being neglected and hated for being a mafia's son since a very young age, but I don't want the people who actually trust me and care for me to face problems.

I nodded. He's sensible and has a conscience. It's a miracle really. The amount of trauma he faced. He's risen up. I patted his shoulder. He smiled.

Taehyung: I didn't understand the situation back then, but thank you. I was saved from going on the wrong path because of you.

I smiled fondly. His genuineness touched me.

Taehyung: But you were just an inspector back then, now you're the head officer!

Y/d : Yes , but there's something I didn't tell you.

He frowned. I wondered if he has figured it out.

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