"I don't-" I was cut off by Dinah.

"It's a surprise." She smiled and I looked at her confused.

"What is it?" I asked.

"I just said it was a surprise."

"You can't leave me hanging like this." I pouted.

"Anyways..." Dinah looked at the girls. "You mind watching this one for the night?" Dinah said and ruffled his hair.

"Yeah of course." Camila smiled.

"You just have to take milk out of the freezer." Dinah said.

"Wait, where are we going?" I asked again.

"Like I said, a surprise." She said and focused back on the girls.

I cut another pancake for Benji and he handed me a piece. I smiled at him and put it in my mouth.

He looked at Dinah and held his hand out but she didn't notice him, talking to the girls about songs.

He waved his hand a little. "Mama." He said.

I choked on my water but managed to swallow it.





Dinah turned to him and kissed his forehead repeatedly. "Ugh, you're so good Benji." She gushed. "Mama loves you so much."

He laughed and kicked his legs around as Dinah picked him up. "You want more?" I asked and put a piece of pancake in front of him.

"No." He said and turned to Dinah.

She smiled and stood up. "Now let's get you dressed and ready for the day."


I walked down the stairs in a black, strapless dress with a slit in it and black heels.

I had on makeup that went with it and the only jewelry I had was earrings and my engagement ring.

"Wow." I smiled at Dinah who had on a red dress. Personally, I thought that red suited her the best but she could pull anything off.

Her hair was up while mine was in simple curls.

"You look beautiful." I whispered to Dinah who smiled at me.

"Thanks but... Look in a mirror love." She said and kissed me softly on the lips.

"Okay, enough with this mushy stuff." Normani said with Benji in her arms. "Go."

Dinah rolled her eyes and walked in front of the girls. "You have the milk, you have the toys. Make sure he goes to sleep at the right time. Call us if there is anything."

"Dinah, we will, relax." Ally said.

"Okay." Dinah let out a breath. "Give mama a kiss." She leant down to Benji who leant forward on Dinah's mouth. Dinah grinned. "Love you baby."

I took Benji off Normani and hugged him. "Be good for your aunties, okay mijo? Can mami get a kiss?" I asked and puckered my lips. He leant forward on them and I smiled. "Mami loves you." I passed him back to Normani. "Take care of him, okay?"

"We will Alba, now go and have fun."

"Wave bye-bye." Normani cooed and Benji waved his little hand around.

I smiled and grabbed Dinah's hand, following her outside.


We were at some restaurant Dinah made reservations for.

We just got our food and I smiled at Dinah when I felt her hand slip into my own over the table.

"I can't believe we've been together for two years." I muttered. "It seems like it was only yesterday."

"Yeah, time flies." Dinah said. "Benji is turning one soon."

"Don't remind me." I said and poked around my food.

"You wanna go home huh?" She asked.

I shook my head. "I want to be with you. It doesn't matter where we are."

"Well, then let's go home." Dinah said. She called over the waiter. "Can we get these to go?" She asked and he went away with the plates. "I love you and I honestly just want to have a nice quality time with my family. Which is you and Benjamin."

"What about the girls?" I chuckled.

"They're in there too.". She smiled and kissed my hand. Soon the waiter came back with two boxes and the check. "Let's get out of here. We're too young for fancy dates anyway."

I laughed and grabbed her hand and she led us out to the car. She gently pushed my up against the side of it and kissed me passionately.

She leaned her forehead against mine as she pulled away. "I love you."

"I love you too." I smiled and pecked her lips. "Come on, let's get home." I jumped into the car and Dinah did the same and started driving.

We pulled up to the house quickly and we walked inside. When we closed the door, I hear slight patter and I saw Benji crawling hastily towards us.

"Hi baby." I cooed and picked him up. He was in his onesie, probably going to sleep soon.

"Mam-ee." He said. I smiled and kissed his head before walking to the living room with Dinah.

"Nice going babysitters." I said and their heads shot towards us.

"What are you guys doing home?"

"Just, nothing really compares to this." Dinah smiled and walked up to them. "We have food, we're going to bed. Love you."

"Love you too. G'night!"

"Night guys." I said and walked up the stairs.

I softly swung Benji around so he was half asleep when we got to his room.

I kissed his forehead and laid him down, stroking his head.

"Te amo mijo. Good night."

Dinah stepped towards the crib and leant down to kiss his forehead. "I love you baby boy."

How in the world did I get so lucky?


This story is almost over guys... Maybe 4 chapters left.

I, uh, was wondering if I should do a q&a when it's over? Maybe have like a book or something where you can basically ask me anything.

I don't know... Idek who reads these anymore.

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