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"Benjamin, just eat. Please." I begged and brought the spoon to his mouth. He kept crying and refused to eat. He reached for my hand. "You wanna hold my hand?" I asked softly and grabbed his hand.

He quieted down and whimpered softly. "Will you eat for mami now?" I put the spoon back to his mouth and he hesitantly opened his mouth and ate it.

"I don't know if that's a good idea." Dinah said from the other side of Benji.

"Babe I just want him to eat. He's probably only doing it since he always holds my finger while I breastfeed him."

"I just don't want him to always have to have us there when he's eating."

"Dinah, I'm tired, he's tired." I felt his forehead. "And probably getting a little sick so can we just not right now?" I said.

"Fine." Dinah said and kept eating.

I honestly didn't want to fight with her about this. If she didn't want him to hold my hand, then fine, he won't hold my hand.

He has just been acting out and he started throwing up this morning and crying a lot.

And the worst part is, I feel like I'm doing all the work.

I was the one feeding him. I was the one trying to calm him down while he cried. I was the one who cleaned up his throw up and changed his clothes.

"Can you try and eat a little more for mami Benji?" I asked and put the spoon back to his mouth but he sealed them again and his bottom lip quivered. "No, it's okay you've eaten a lot baby." I put the spoon down and wiped his face as careful as I could so he wouldn't start crying.

Why don't babies like to get their face cleaned?

I took his bib off and picked him up, feeling him burning up through his clothes.

I started walking out of the kitchen but Ally's voice stopped me. "Aren't you gonna eat Alba?"

"No, I, uh, have to change him, then find some medicine or something then I have to try and cool him down and try and put him down then I have to do the laundry-" I rambled but she cut me off.

"Alba, relax, sit and eat. I'll change him." Ally said and stood up, giving Dinah a subtle glare on the way. She walked up to me and took Benjamin from my arms. "Holy... He's burning up."

I bit my lip and nodded, trying to keep the tears in. "I know."

"Just eat Alba and try to relax. I'll see if I can find something for him."

I nodded and sat back down hesitantly, never looking away from him.

"Dinah, will you help me please?" Ally asked.

"Why doesn't Lauren help you or something?" She said. I looked at her in disbelief.

"He's your son Dinah Jane." Ally said sternly.

"He's Alba's son too." Dinah said.

"Dinah Jane Hansen, if you-" I cut Ally off by standing up and walking towards her.

"It's okay, I got him. Come here mijo." I said quietly and took Benji off her.

"Alba, I can do it. You've been at it all day." Ally said.

"Thanks Ally but it's okay." I walked out of the kitchen and up to Benji's room. We had put his crib there again. "How are you feeling baby boy?" I whispered and felt his forehead as I unbuttoned his onesie.

He whined and his bottom lip quivered. "I know baby. Does your tummy hurt? Or your head maybe?" I bit my lip when he started crying again. "Please Benji." I whispered.

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