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While I had mostly forgiven Lauren, Dinah was having a harder time.

I was never alone in an room with Lauren and Dinah never left my side. And if Lauren ever walked into the room I was in, Dinah would immediately grab my hand or just touch me in any way.

The cut on my forehead had also decreased a lot but it was still there. I had a bump but that was gone.

The girls were currently getting ready for a meet and greet and I was on the sofa on my phone.

I was in short overalls with a long sleeved white shirt underneath and converse on my feet.

Dinah was in jeans and a red flannel shirt and a SnapBack. She was beautiful.

The only thing that annoyed me about her outfit was the huge heels she always had to wear. That meant she towered over me most of the time.

I glanced around the room and saw Lauren and Normani in the makeup chairs and Camila and Ally were putting finishing touches on their outfits.

Dinah was sat beside me and she was on her phone too.

"Uh, DJ, I'm gonna go to the bathroom."

"Okay," she smiled softly at me. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm just a little queasy."

She stroked my cheek. "Are you getting sick?" She felt my forehead. "You don't feel warm."

I shook my head and smiled at her. "I'm okay, it doesn't even hurt just... Weird I guess."

She nodded and kissed me. "Be quick, we're going to the meet and greet soon."

I stood up and went out if the door and made my way to the bathroom. When I got there, I leaned against the sinks and sighed.

I splashed some water on my face.

"Alba?" I looked in the mirror and saw Lauren. "Hey."

"Hey." I smiled softly and wiped the water off my face.

"How are you feeling?"

"I'm not really sure. Good I think." I turned around. "What's up?" I asked her.

"Nothing just... I haven't had the chance to talk to you since, ya know." She shrugged. "Dinah hasn't let me."

"Lauren, it's okay. It's all forgiven."

"But it shouldn't be forgiven Alba. I seriously fucked up and I hurt you. And honestly, I don't know what to do to make it up to you."

"Just for you to admit that makes it okay. Honestly, I've already forgiven you. It's Dinah you have to worry about. You're supposed to be her sister."

"I know." She sighed and walked over to me. "How's it healing?" She eyed the cut on my forehead.

"It's healing." I smiled. She went to reach out but I flinched. "Sorry." I whispered.

"No, I deserve it, don't I?" She said and smiled sadly.

I shook my head and hugged her. "It'll be fine. Everything will go back to normal."

"It's just... I miss Dinah. All the girls are treating me like I'm some criminal and... I want them back."

"I'm sorry Lo."

"No I'm sorry... So fucking sorry."

"It's okay, alright?" I smiled and pulled back. "How about we get out there?"

She nodded and I grabbed her hand, leading her out of the bathroom and to the dressing room.

Dinah looked at us weirdly and I'm pretty sure I saw her jaw clench when we walked in. I pulled Lauren to Dinah and I grabbed her hand too, pulling her off the couch.

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