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I woke up with arms securely around my waist and my head in someones neck.

I inhaled and smiled when Dinah's scent hit my nostrils. I heard a camera click and Dinah tap on her phone.

I could just see what she was doing and she was on twitter.

Dinah: nope, this is definitely the best way to wake up.

She then put her phone down.

I felt her lips press on my forehead. "Good morning." She whispered.

I raised my head to look into her brown orbs. I smiled and kissed her lips softly. "Morning."

She stretched and closed her eyes, stroking my back absentmindedly. "How'd you sleep?"

I smiled and laid my chin on her chest. "Amazing. With you, always amazing." A smile played on her lips. I rolled over so I was on top of her. "How about you?"

"I slept wonderfully." She said and trailed her fingers down my back and to my butt.

"Hmm why are your hands there?" I raised an eyebrow. She shrugged and opened her eyes.

"Well, it's comfy. It's all soft and squishy." I giggled when she squeezed my butt. "Plus," she whispered. "If I just move a tad bit over there..." I gasped when she touched my clit. "Bingo." She grinned.

"Really?" I gasped again when she started rubbing in small circles.

"I'm dead serious." She cracked a smile. "I think we both know that we can be quiet."

"But," she dipped her finger inside making me bite my lip. "The girls."

"Honestly," she kissed the corner of my mouth. "I don't care."

"Mmm, okay." I mumbled against her lips.

"Wakey wakey!" The curtain was thrown back and I hit my head on the ceiling. "Again?!" Lauren groaned and raised an eyebrow.

"Ouch..." I said and laid more down so mine and Dinah's chests were hidden by each other's. "Uh," I looked between Lauren and Dinah. "Since when did this not become awkward?"

"I'm not really sure." Lauren said.

Dinah moved her fingers that were still inside me. I gasped. "Dinah! Fuck, stop!"

"Yeah, okay, just became awkward again." Lauren quickly closed the curtain. "Breakfast is ready so if you want it hot!"

I scrambled off Dinah and put on my pajama shorts and a T-shirt. Dinah was slipping on some pants and I looked at her.

"Why the fuck did you do that?" I asked.

"Do what?"

"Fuck me while she was right here!"

Dinah smirked and started crawling over to me. "Well I'm daring and I like taking risks." She went to kiss me but I turned my head and jumped out of the bunk. "Alba?" I could hear a thump and her footsteps as she followed me. "Babe?" She tried to grab my wrist.

"Don't." I pulled my hand back. "I'm mad at you." I walked into the kitchen. All the girls looked at us puzzled except for Lauren.

"Alba please."

I grabbed a plate and put some scrambled eggs on it along with some bacon. "You don't fucking do that Dinah. It's disrespectful, not only towards me but also towards Lauren."

"I know..." She whispered.

"Really, because I don't think you do."

Dinah sighed as I turned around to pour myself a glass of juice. I felt her hands go around my waist. "I'm sorry." She kissed my shoulder then leaned her forehead against it. "I'm really really sorry..."

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