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It was a hot day. A really hot day.

The girls and I were inside trying to let the air conditioning cool us down.

"I vote we go outside." Camila said.

"What? We'll die." Lauren said back.

"The air outside is at least fresh. Plus, I'm bored!" She stood up.

The rest of the girls shrugged. "It can't hurt." Dinah grabbed my hand. "Come on!"

We went up to her room and I threw on a bikini top and bottom and then an oversized white T-shirt that went to my mid thigh.

Dinah wore a bikini top and shorts that fit her perfectly. I looked at her and bit my lip, admiring her legs and stomach and how her back flexed when she moved her arms.

I walked up behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist, kissing the back of her neck softly.

"What was that for?" She asked softly and leaned back into my embrace.

"For being you." I kissed it again. "You're beautiful." Kiss. "Sweet." Kiss. "Amazing." Kiss. "Loving." I nuzzled my nose in her neck. "And you smell really good."

I felt the vibration as she laughed and turned around. "You're not so bad yourself." She kissed both my cheeks then lips. "Let's go outside. It's hot as hell in here."

I chuckled. "Let's go then." She grabbed my hand and pulled me outside with her.

The girls were in the pool and on the sun loungers. Dinah went into the pool and I sat on a lounger.

"Alba come in the pool!" Lauren yelled.

"No thanks Lo. I'm fine here." I said and Dinah smiled sympathetically.

"Suit yourself." She shrugged, not thinking anything of it.

Dinah jumped out of the pool and sat beside me. "Do you have sunscreen on?" She asked and I shook my head. "Doofus, you'll get sunburn. Lie down."

I rolled my eyes and laid down on the lounger. Dinah sat on my butt and lifted my shirt, squeezing some lotion on my back.

I shivered and got goosebumps. "It's cold." I muttered.

"I know." She said. I heard the smile in her voice as she rubbed my back and arms softly. She then slid further down and put some on my thighs and legs.

I turned around when she was done. "Do you need me to do you?" She nodded and I sat up so she could sit between my legs.

I then put some on my hands and drew on her back. "What are you doing? I swear, if you draw a penis..."

"Give me your phone." I put my hand out to her and she passed it to me. I opened up the camera roll and took a picture of her back

I then handed it back to her and she smiled. "I love you too." She looked back and pecked my lips. "But please spread it. I don't want 'I love you' engraved into my back."

"But people need to know." I whined.

"Know what?"

"How much I love you."

Dinah shook her head. "Please?"

I sighed and smiled. "Fine." When I was done, I leaned my head on her
back. "I'm done now."

"Okay." Dinah made no move to leave.

"Are you just gonna stay here?"

"Pretty much." She leaned back on my chest. I was wearing a T-shirt so it wouldn't really make a difference if she laid on me or not. "You need sun screen for your face too." She said and looked up at me. She wiped something on my nose, forehead, cheeks and chin before spreading it out. She did it to herself too.

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