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After putting Benjamin down for the night and getting a long awaited shower, I had been asleep for about three hours.

Dinah had basically decided that she wanted him in the same room as us for the first month or so, so she decided to move the crib to our room.

Just to be safe.

I woke up to crying and I felt the bed shift slightly as Dinah stretched. "I'll get it." She said tiredly and left the bed as I sat up against the headboard.

"It's okay. Just give him to me, he's probably hungry." I yawned.

Dinah walked over to me while slowly swaying him back and forth which soothed him a little.

She placed him in my arms after I had taken it half off so one of my arm was out and one of my breasts was exposed.

"Shh, baby don't cry. It's okay." I said and placed my nipple in his mouth. I still hadn't gotten used to it so it was really weird and a little uncomfortable when he began sucking.

He grabbed the material of the shirt I was wearing in his little fist.

"Do you need anything?" Dinah asked as she got in beside me and rubbed her eyes.

"Uh..." I looked down and Benji and saw he was almost asleep. That's one thing that amazes me about babies. They can sleep and be fed at the same time. "Can you maybe help me out of the rest of the shirt? It's kinda uncomfortable."

Dinah nodded and stretched over me so she could take it off. But when Benjamin lost his grip on it, he started crying.

"Okay, or not." Dinah said. "What do we do?"

"Benji, please don't cry." I said and stroked his little head. When I saw his little fist clench subtly, I moved my finger in it so he could grab it and he settled down and kept drinking. "Is that better?" I chuckled. I looked back at Dinah who sat against the headboard too while looking at him drinking. "You can go back to sleep babe. I got it." I said quietly.

"Are you sure?" She asked.

"Positive." I smiled and she leant over to kiss me.

"I love you."

"Love you too."

She pecked Benji's head carefully. "I love you too." Then she laid back down and fell asleep almost immediately.

I chuckled and focused back on Benjamin who was drinking happily, his eyes slowly opening and closing.

After about half an hour, he was full. I carefully detached himself from me and stood up. I grabbed a burp cloth, putting it over my shoulder, then placing Benjamin so he was laying on my chest with his head on my shoulder.

I patted his back gently and walked around until he let out a bubble of air.

"Good job baby." I said quietly to him. "How about we change that diaper of yours so you can be all clean when you go to bed huh?" I looked around and spotted one of Dinah's flannels on the floor.

Since I was topless, I laid him back down in his crib causing him to start crying again. I quickly grabbed the shirt and didn't even bother to button it, I just grabbed him again and he stopped crying.

I walked with him to the nursery where the changing table was and laid him down on it before unbuttoning his onesie.

I changed his diaper, careful with the umbilical cord, and picked him up again and sat down in the chair in the room.

I think he was really peaceful since he was kind of just staring at my face. I knew he couldn't see me clearly though but he was still looking at me.

We'll Make MemoriesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora