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"Babe, babe, babe!" I looked at Dinah who came running into the hotel room. "I need your help!"

"With what?" She took the bag she was carrying and dumped it on the bed to reveal ten different alarm clocks. I raised an eyebrow. "Okay... Care to explain?"

"We're gonna prank the girls! So who do you want to prank, Demi and Normani or Camila and Lauren?" She said excitedly.

"Uh..." Lauren was always teasing Dinah and I and after the stunt she pulled at the panel... "Lauren and Camila." I said.

"Okay, they're out right now so help me set the clocks and hide them!"

I helped Dinah set the alarm clocks, all with a different time in between. We then got them all to the room next door.

"Are you gonna record them?" I said as I placed one under Camila's bed and one under Lauren's.

"Uh, we can if you want. Wait here." Dinah went back to our room and came back with a little camera.

"Should I be worried you own a camera like that?"

Dinah laughed and put it in a place you could see the whole room. "No, I only use it in cases like these."

We finished hiding all the clocks and then went back to our room. "How did you come up with that?"

She shrugged. "Okay, the next thing is-"

"There's more?" I cut her off.

"Well, duh! So, I got a bunch of these," she grabbed a handful of fake spiders. "And we're going to put them under Ally's covers."

"What? Why? Ally is so sweet." I said.

"Yeah, but it's prank time." Dinah grinned and walked over to Ally's bed.

Dinah placed a bunch if fake spiders on under her covers where her feet would be. "So you have anything else?"

"Not that I can think of right now. But I'll have something later." She smiled and jumped on our bed.

I got on after her and straddled her waist. Her hands went to my sides. I leant down to place a sweet kiss on her lips.

"What was that for?" She whispered as I pulled back. I shrugged and kissed her again.

"I like your kisses." I said quietly and kissed her again. Her lips were a perfect fit against mine.

"I like your kisses too." She mumbled against my lips. Dinah placed on hand on my cheek and stroked softly. "You're beautiful." She whispered and pulled back. She stroked some hair out of my face.

I never realized how much I love her. How lucky I am to have her. She makes me feel loved and special. Most people never experience that.

I still get this fluttery feeling in my stomach when she kisses me. Or when she tells me I'm beautiful.

Then when she gets protective over me makes me feel safe and that no one will hurt me.

She has become my family, along with the girls. I can't imagine my life without her or them.

She just makes me feel like the happiest girl in the world.

In my eyes, she's perfect. She not only the most beautiful girl I've ever known but her personality is amazing and she treats me right.

She treats me better than right.

She broke me out of my thoughts. "Why are you staring?"

I looked into her eyes and could only see love and admiration. "I love you."

We'll Make MemoriesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora