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     Hello! Welcome to my long promised vampire-human SarawatTine AU. I have worked so hard on this story and I am still working diligently on it, but I feel I have some of it ready to post. The updates will probably be a little slower than my last stories, just because I am working on another huge project at the same time as this one so I'm splitting time between the two.

     This AU idea came from one of my most loyal readers. The comments, messages, and encouragement I get never fail to lift my spirits and make me laugh. I put so much into this story because I wanted it to be a worthy dedication. Thank you so much for the idea and your unwavering support Laowenloveslaozhou! 

     As in all of my au's, there's a lot of love, a lot of fluff, a lot of unconditional irrevocable feelings between the two leads, and of course some heavy smut in between. But the overall storyline is not nice. It's a horror/romance story with a lot of horror. The villain will be pretty easy to spot early on, I'm not that good at suspense, so it won't be a huge surprise when I finally reveal the villain, but along the way Sarawat is going to learn about Tine's past lives that are drenched in torture and slaughter, so there are going to be some really heavy elements in here. I'm not great about remembering to put in trigger warnings throughout the story so this really is the warning label here. 

     The modern storyline is going to take place over the matter of a few days because once Tine is discovered everything is gonna come at him at once. There will also be moments for Sarawat to learn about Tine's past lives which will add to the meat of the story but may also be confusing because those moments in the past will be placed sporadically throughout the main storyline, but the historical memories will have their own chapters with a heading of the year and the name that the memory is from. Like when Tine was Namcha the year of Namcha's memory along with his name will head the chapter so you will know you are in the past and not the present to help keep the confusion down. 

     And let's keep in mind that this is a story about vampires so there is obviously people's blood being taken without prior consent. Don't come at me, it's a vampire novel! There are elements of non-con, such as blood withdrawal and black magic coercion. These things are not described in detail. (The blood withdrawal that takes place with consent will be described though)

     Furthermore the bulk of the vampire nation feed only enough to sustain and do not drain to kill. Also there are two types of magic, hypnosis which vampires use to feed on their prey and black magic which is an art that needs to be learned to be able to put it into practice and it is used to control other vampires. It is heresy to use it and has been banned for so many millennia it is believed to not only no longer exist, but for the art itself to no longer have any remaining vampires living that know how to use it or for any further teachings of the black art left behind to even be able to learn it anymore. 

     This is all from my imagination, I have built entire theories around soulmates, magic, and vampires that are taken from several different theories, but ultimately none of my thoughts adhere to a specific construct. Other than that, I hope everyone who reads the story enjoys it. Thank you so much for following, reading and being apart of this journey for me. It is beyond meaningful to me!

Introduction of Characters:


Leader of the largest and most disciplined vampire coven in the world

Waiting for his soulmate to be reborn

Waiting for his soulmate to be reborn

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